Microbiologist Mi Kang works to identify a strain of E. coli from a specimen in a lab at the Washington State Department of Health on Tuesday in Shoreline, Wash. Elaine Thompson/AP hide caption

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Alaskan fisherman David Fry and his baited hooks. Jess Jiang/NPR hide caption

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Planet Money

Episode 661: The Less Deadly Catch

Today on the show, how an economic fix took the deadliest job in America and made it safer. And why a lot of people are mad about it.

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A piece of cacao cut open to reveal its fruit. The seeds, in particular, hidden at the center of the fruit, are a key ingredient in chocolate production. Kirk Siegler/NPR hide caption

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Jacob LaLoush poses beside bougainvillea flowers outside his kosher restaurant in Sidi Bou Said, outside Tunis, in 2012. He says his is the only kosher restaurant left in all of Tunis. John Poole/NPR hide caption

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The Salt

Amid Security Threats, Tunis' Only Kosher Restaurant Shutters

NPR first visited Jacob LaLoush's restaurant, a vestige of Tunisia's ancient and once-thriving Jewish community, in 2012. But the country has become more restive in the years since the Arab Spring.

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Chipotle restaurant workers fill orders for customers. The company is now sourcing some of its pork from a British supplier that uses antibiotics to treat pigs when ill. Gail Hansen, a veterinarian and longtime critic of antibiotic overuse on farms, welcomes this shift in Chipotle's stance on the drugs. Joe Raedle/Getty Images hide caption

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The Salt

Why Chipotle's Hard Line On Swine Antibiotics Is Now Blurry

Some Chipotle restaurants now sell pork from pigs that received antibiotics to treat illness. It's a move that acknowledges the drugs can be used responsibly on farms.

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From a scapegoat for the "sapping" of the "white race," to a symbol of modern engineering, to a target of the counterculture movement: White bread's been a social lightning rod time and again. iStockphoto hide caption

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Shop That Only Sells Caffeine-Free Coffee Opens In NYC

The pop-up shop in Manhattan promotes "the art of coffee without the caffeine," the Washington Post reports. The New York Eater calls it, "the first sign of the cultural apocalypse.

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Guinness, Ireland's Famous Stout, To Go Vegan

Guinness will stop using fish bladders in its brewing process. It's something vegans and vegetarians have been petitioning the company to do for years so they too could enjoy a pint.

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Food Guru Says 'You're Eating It Wrong'

A plate of nachos is not just a plate of nachos. It raises questions of politics and fairness and betrayal. Eating expert Dan Pashman guides NPR's Rachel Martin through the possible pitfalls.

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Lynda Trang Dai sits inside her restaurant, Lynda Sandwich, in Orange County, Calif. Lisa Morehouse/For NPR hide caption

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The Salt

At This Sandwich Shop, A Vietnamese Pop Star Serves Up Banh Mi

Lynda Trang Dai, known as the "Vietnamese Madonna," performs around the world. Back home in California, she's got a different starring role: she's the only one to whip up her sandwiches' secret sauce.

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You probably wouldn't want to eat these Jack O'Lanterns since they've been carved and sitting out. But this variety of pumpkin is perfectly edible and nutritious. Wildcat Dunny/Flickr hide caption

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Chefs Kerry Heffernan and Tom Colicchio pose for a photo at Bearnaise, a Capitol Hill restaurant, on Tuesday before setting out for a day of lobbying lawmakers. Kris Connor/Getty Images hide caption

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Famous horror film actor Vincent Price also co-wrote a best-selling cookbook in the 1960s with his then-wife, Mary. The original cover of the book, A Treasury Of Great Recipes, is seen at left. It's just been reissued. William Claxton/A Treasury of Great Recipes; Price Family Trust hide caption

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The Salt

So Good You'll Scream? A Cookbook From Horror Icon Vincent Price

A Treasury of Great Recipes, by the famed horror film actor, was out of print for decades until this month. It turns out, Price was also a foodie with an "omnivorous appetite," his daughter tells us.

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Evelyn Birkby interviews guests on her KMA radio program, Down a Country Lane, in 1951 in Shenandoah, Iowa. Courtesy of University of Iowa Women's Archives/Evelyn Birkby Collection hide caption

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