
App Allows Shy Students To Ask Questions Anonymously

Close to a million college kids use Piazza. Pooja Sankar, the apps' creator, says her company can't solve all the problems for women in computer science but she hopes it's making a difference.

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National Security

The Details Of Drones, From A Pilot Who Flew Them

NPR's Kelly McEvers talks with Lt. Col. T. Mark McCurley, a retired drone pilot who wrote the tactical manual for the Predator. His new memoir is called Hunter Killer.

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National Security

Surge In Cyberattacks Signals Strength Of Iran's Hard-Liners

The U.S. has noticed an uptick in cyberattacks from Iran. The hacks seem to be from hard-liners in Iran hoping to undermine better relations with the West, possibly in backlash to the nuclear deal.

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Until now, Donald Trump has relied on traditional media to cover his campaign, like this book launch earlier this week. Kena Betancur/AFP/Getty Images hide caption

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In First Radio Ads, Donald Trump Promises 'You'll Never Be Disappointed'

The bold ads will air in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina. In one of them a woman's voice says Trump, once president, will brutally and quickly cut the head off of ISIS.

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There was a lot of excitement in 2012, when the Hiriko car was unveiled at this event at European Union headquarters in Brussels. At the time, the then-president of the European Commission, Jose Manuel Barroso, hailed the car as a trans-Atlantic "exchange between the world of science and the world of business." Zhou Lei/Xinhua/Landov hide caption

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Twitter changed its "favorite" star icon to a "like" heart icon prompting largely negative responses from Twitter users. But is it the heart they hate? Or the change itself? Screenshot by NPR hide caption

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The Environmental Protection Agency said Monday that additional diesel Volkswagens were equipped with "defeat devices," making them run more cleanly during testing. Markus Schreiber/AP hide caption

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A startup in Austin, Texas, has built the prototype of a tiny home that could stack up, in a "rack," and move when you do. Kasita hide caption

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All Tech Considered

Could A Tiny Mobile Studio Solve Your Housing Crisis?

For decades, architects have worked to turn shipping containers into homes and mock up cities that are plug and play. Now a startup in Texas is building a luxury studio that would travel when you do.

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