Watch Donald Trump's Unapologetic Stephen Colbert Interview

Republican front runner discusses his Great Wall of Mexico and Barack Obama's birthplace


Donald Trump sat down with Stephen Colbert for an unapologetic interview on The Late Show Tuesday where the Republican presidential front runner discussed everything from his Great Wall of Mexico, the similarities between Trump and the host's Colbert Report character and his refusal to say sorry for anything. Colbert opened up the interview by apologizing to Trump for all the mean things he's said about the real estate mogul over the years. "I'm glad you accept my apology and I just want to give you the opportunity: Is there anybody you'd like to apologize to right now?," Colbert asked Trump, to which he replied, "Uhh, no. Maybe the audience."

Trump next explained his incredulous plan to build a wall across the U.S./Mexico border, a barrier that he hopes will be paid for and constructed by the Mexican government. Colbert, playing the role of the president of Mexico, and Trump play out that conversation, with Trump stating that the $45 billion trade deficit is enough leverage to build the $5 billion "not a penetrable" wall. Trump compared his Mexican wall to the 13,000-mile Great Wall of China. "We can have a great and beautiful wall, we'll have our border, and guess what, nobody comes in unless they have their papers," Trump said.

Colbert then tossed Trump "a big, fat meatball" for him to answer: "Barack Obama, born in the United States?" Trump – who at one point during Obama's presidency said he'd donate $5 million if Obama could prove he was born in the United States – backed away from the saucy meatball thrown his direction, telling Colbert, "I don't talk about that anymore."

Colbert also played a game where the host read quotes belonging to either Trump or Colbert's ultraconservative Colbert Report character, with Trump having to guess who said things like, "It's freezing and snowing in New York. We need global warming" and "Medicare is like a nice set of cufflinks. Nobody wears cufflinks anymore." Trump mostly remembered his own over-the-top remarks, although Colbert mixed in one trick quote, "The real strong have no need to prove it to the phonies," which is attributed to Charles Manson.
