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Privacy Policy


Your privacy is really important to us. We always want you to feel safe, so whenever TVNZ collects and uses your personal information, we comply with the details outlined in the Privacy Act 1993 (New Zealand). It’s an important law that includes a bunch of rules and principles designed to protect your privacy. 

This Privacy Policy tells you what information we can collect, and what we can do with it. 

What information can we collect?  

We will collect a range of personal, technical and general information, including:

  • Personal details you give us by filling in forms on our site
  • Records of any communication between us
  • Details of when you visit, where you are and what you look at
  • Computer information like your IP address, operating system and browser type

How will we use your information?  

Your personal information is essential to run the site, make sure that content is relevant, and deliver it in the best way for you and your computer. We use it:

1. To make things better for you
We use what we know about you to display shows we think you'll like, make recommendations and so you can save your favourite settings and shows. It's also handy for system admin.

2. To communicate with you
We'll use your details to let you know about updates to the site or other things we think you'll like. We'll also need it to provide technical support and reply to any questions you have.

3. To make our website better
We use your information (together with other people’s) to look at website traffic, analyse trends and generally help us build a big picture view of how the site is working. These insights are important because they help us to make the site better for you and our advertisers.

4. To help make advertising more relevant
We share stats and data with our advertisers so they can make their ads more relevant. When we share your data in this way, we'll never give your information directly to advertisers unless you've specifically said that it’s okay to do that (e.g. if you opt-in to hear more about an advertiser’s stuff), but will share with a specialist third party who will take good care of your information.

5. To enforce the House Rules.
We'll occasionally use the information we have to enforce the House Rules, or to make sure everyone is following the rules.

6. To provide other specific services.
Now and then we might need to use your information to run a competition you've entered or for another specific service (e.g. games on the site).  If we do that, we'll be clear in the terms of entry and explain exactly how we intend to use your information.

Can we share your information with others?

In a word, yes. But unless we have your permission we only ever give your private information to independent third parties - not directly to our advertising partners. And we'll only share your information in specific circumstances, like these:

1. To communicate with you
Sometimes we may use authorised companies to help us send emails or other communications. Obviously they'll need your details for that.

2. To make advertising more relevant
We'll share information with advertising partners to help them get their messages to the best people. Again, this information will be given to a specialist third-party and never directly to our advertising partners.

3. To comply with the law
It doesn't happen often, but at times we may need to share information with third parties to comply with the law.

4. If you ask us to share
From time to time you may be invited to ‘opt-in’ and hear more from one of our advertisers. If you choose to do that, we’ll share your info with them.

How do we collect information?

You know that we collect personal information from you when you fill in our registration forms. But we also collect information using cookies and tokens. This is worth knowing a bit about.

1. Software

We use Nielsen//NetRatings software to help measure the number of people visiting our sites. It’s a service used by many big New Zealand websites to anonymously collect web statistics, like the number of pages viewed and how long you spent on the site.

Adobe Analytics and Google Analytics are other pieces of software we use that do the same sort of thing.

These pieces of software work by storing a cookie or token in your browser or app (if you've enabled cookies), which contains a unique identifier to track the number of unique visitors. Don't worry though, this system doesn't identify you personally or store any personal info.

Nielsen//NetRatings will also randomly ask visitors to complete anonymous short site surveys.

2. Behavioural targeted advertising.

It's good for everyone if we can share ads that you're likely to be interested in. One way to do that is to share information about your visit to our sites, and other sites or apps you've looked at on the way. For this to work, we (and/or our advertising partners) may need to place a cookie or token on your computer or device.

To do this, we use Google DoubleClick technology and cookies. DoubleClick offers you the opportunity to select an opt-out cookie to prevent information from being uniquely associated with your browsers. This way, you can opt out of DoubleClick's cookies without erasing or altering other cookies associated with your browser. To opt out of DoubleClick cookies, you can go to, and click on the ‘Opt out’ button.

What happens to your info down the track?

We only keep your info while it’s useful for personalising your TVNZ online experience or delivering other services to you.

If you de-register, we'll delete your personal info - that's all the basic details you gave us when you registered, including your email address. Having said that, if you've given us permission to hang on to your info we'll do that – and we'll also keep hold of your contact details if we need them for specific purpose, like ongoing correspondence about a recurring issue.

We may also keep other information, like how you've used our services, but that would just be anonymous data. No one will be able to connect it to you, and we won’t have any contact details for you.

Other things you should know.

1. Linking off to other sites.
Our site may contain links to and from websites that aren't controlled by us. If you follow a link to any other website, you should note that they have their own rules around privacy. We don't accept any responsibility or liability for anyone else's policies.

2. Keeping your info safe. 

Your information will always be stored securely, either on our servers here at TVNZ (100 Victoria Street, Auckland, New Zealand), or on approved off-premise locations under contract to TVNZ. Your information will be stored indefinitely (this is explained in the section What happens to your info down the track?) and used for the purposes that we've described in this policy.

3. Your unique identifier
If you register for our sites, we’ll assign you something called a ‘unique identifier’. Basically it’s a randomly assigned combination of numbers and letters used in place of your personal information. It means we can keep your personal details safe while collecting info about how you use the site, but we can still match info up to you later if we need to.

4. Access to your info

We respect your privacy, and the law around it. When TVNZ collects and uses any of your personal information, we comply with the principles outlined in the Privacy Act 1993 (New Zealand).

So you know, you have the right to see the personal information we have about you. You can also ask us to correct anything that's inaccurate, out-of-date, incomplete, irrelevant, or any personal information that's misleading. 

If you'd like access to your personal information, please Contact Us.


