Orange Is the New Black is certain to be much darker in season 4

The show's first three seasons contained plenty of despairing moments. But things are about to get much worse.

Orange Is the New Black's third season is the show's best yet

The show is stronger without big villains and plot twists.

A rabbi explains what Orange Is the New Black gets right about Judaism

Cindy's conversion storyline is refreshingly accurate.

Orange Is the New Black has finally humanized Pennsatucky. It's about time.

The former meth-head is a great example of how much this series excels at changing our perceptions of people we thought we knew.

Why Orange Is the New Black's Sophia and Gloria are season 3's most compelling characters

The conflict between them is part of a larger question this third season wants to address.

Orange Is the New Black’s season 3 aimlessness might turn out to be a good thing

The show is resetting itself for the better.

Why Orange Is the New Black season 3 isn’t as bingeable as seasons 1 and 2

There are lots of little plots, but no big ones!

Orange Is the New Black season 3 is the most political — and human — one yet

The Netflix series tackles prison privatization and goes small in its third season. It works surprisingly well.

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Sorry, Orange Is the New Black. Money doesn't stop buying happiness at $75,000 a year.

Piper, stop being wrong all the time.

The start of Orange Is the New Black season 3 makes binge-watching feel like a chore

After three episodes, I'm kind of dreading whatever might come next.

Piper Chapman is irritating. She’s also vital to Orange Is the New Black’s success.

She serves as a foil to almost every other character. That's important.

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