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The Hows and Whys of Voting was created to allow consumers to let the studios know that they'd buy a show if it were released on DVD. This is achieved through voting for a show, which is available to registered users of the site. Voting allows you to:

  • Express interest in owning a show if it were released on DVD
  • Receive email updates if news or release information is ever posted to the site
  • Track the popularity of the show you've voted for
Voting is easy, but it requires that you become a member of the site and log into your account. You can search for a show two places on the site; in the top search bar labeled "Search TV Shows" or by clicking on "TV Show Voting/Info" in the navigation bar. Clicking on "TV Show Voting/Info" provides you with more options to restrict your search, which is good if you'd like to browse shows in a certain genre, or decade, while the "Search TV Shows" searches for the name of the show, or a word it contains.

After searching for a show you'll find something similar to the screenshot below:

If you're like most people, you want to own season sets of the show. Just check off the box under "Season" and press "Click to Vote" at the bottom. That's it, your vote is cast, and you'll receive an email if we post news or release information to the site. You can also add a comment to the studio if you'd like.

Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Studios check the voting on the site to determine what to release, but it's just one factor in their decision on what to put out. Some shows have other issues, such as high music clearance costs, which prevent it from being released.
  • You can only vote for a show once.
  • You can only vote for a show, not a season. Once season 1 comes out, it's the sales that the studio looks at, not the number of people that want season 2 (so buy the seasons of the shows you want if you hope to see more).
If you have any questions about how voting works, please contact us using the link in the nav bar, and we'll get back to you right away.

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