I bought $300 worth of Ðogecoin 14 months ago. by Gawayn in dogecoin

[–]mattoly 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I'd say hang onto it for now unless you really, really need $38 right now. If not, I'd give you $40 for it to help you out.

Nelson Cruz hits the go-ahead 3-run homer into the ray tank! by smallj in Mariners

[–]mattoly 3 points4 points  (0 children)

A friend in Florida says far as he knows that's the first time it's happened.

Xur should sell Treasure Keys for Strange Coins by Willfulspartan in DestinyTheGame

[–]mattoly 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Ok, I will. But what if Xur sold them for strange coins?

Kyle Seager's Grand Salami with Rizzs on the call. (Dave tribute) by UraMallas in Mariners

[–]mattoly 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I agree. That was one of the most amazing games and "everybody scores!" was the best part. Those were the days, man.

Car attempting to load on a ship over some planks by Gh0st233 in videos

[–]mattoly 0 points1 point  (0 children)

THANK YOU. This song has been in my head for 15 years and nobody could tell me who it was!

So I ran into this guy in the train station in DC... Yes, his hat says "Fuck It" by BallCity in Seahawks

[–]mattoly 1 point2 points  (0 children)

3.5? Really? I guess if you're flying out of Reagan and into Laguardia it could be that. I did it once and it was the same as the train, but I was Dulles to Newark. For the money and convenience though I'd always opt for the train, too.

gorgon.exchange by 3rdEden in DestinyTheGame

[–]mattoly 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I've still never run VoG but desperately want the chests. I'm going to try this out. Thanks!

So I ran into this guy in the train station in DC... Yes, his hat says "Fuck It" by BallCity in Seahawks

[–]mattoly 2 points3 points  (0 children)

It wasn't that bad. I wouldn't order one for myself, but it was better than I thought it'd be.

Thoughts on the proposed Sonics Arena? by iloveplanting in Seattle

[–]mattoly 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Could you imagine if Starbucks bought the naming rights? That would be hilarious.

So I ran into this guy in the train station in DC... Yes, his hat says "Fuck It" by BallCity in Seahawks

[–]mattoly 5 points6 points  (0 children)

I tired once. He was not amused.

He frequents a bar that I'm at often. It was the day after the 2013 NFCCG and we'd had skittles for the game. I offered him some -- and a skittles shot -- and he just stared at me like I had two heads. But then he said he'd do a "patronessee" with me, so we did that.

So I ran into this guy in the train station in DC... Yes, his hat says "Fuck It" by BallCity in Seahawks

[–]mattoly 2 points3 points  (0 children)

In the NE corridor trains are usually a better way to get around. DC to NYC? The train's far more efficient than flying and takes the same amount of time. Baltimore, Philly, Boston, all of those places are close enough, at least relative to cities on the west coast.

Doctors of Reddit, what was the MOST incorrect self-diagnosis you've encountered in your practice? by eleventy12 in AskReddit

[–]mattoly 6 points7 points  (0 children)

When I was about 6 I was losing my baby teeth as most kids do around then. I remember watching Star Wars and eating microwave popcorn -- which was a fairly new thing then. Of course not all the kernels popped, and when I'd eat one I'd spit it out into a bowl.

So I eat the whole bag of popcorn and my mom takes the bowl and washes it down the garbage disposal. And that's when I taste the blood and realize a tooth was missing.

Apparently it fell out as I was eating the popcorn and I thought it was a kernel and spit it out. It was gone, man. Gone. I was inconsolable, but my mom promised that if I left a note that the tooth fairy would understand. She did.

What's a story you don't tell people because they wouldn't believe it? by Rokursoxtv in AskReddit

[–]mattoly 0 points1 point  (0 children)

It actually happens more frequently than you'd think. I once cracked an egg to make, well, eggs, and a half-formed chick dropped out. I didn't cook eggs for at least a year after that.

Bosses of reddit, why did you fire your employee? by mvcrow in AskReddit

[–]mattoly 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I can't believe they never made an episode about this. Peggy gets glaucoma or something and has to smoke a joint a day, and though she has a valid prescription, Hank would be very uncomfortable with it, but in the end he'd learn a lesson and loosen up a little.

Bosses of reddit, why did you fire your employee? by mvcrow in AskReddit

[–]mattoly 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Not at all. He really was a super by-the-book straight-laced dude. No drinking, no cigarettes, and coffee only when really needed. His son even worked there later and verified it all.

Bosses of reddit, why did you fire your employee? by mvcrow in AskReddit

[–]mattoly 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Man is happened to a warehouse guy at a store I worked at. His name was Mike and he was the forklift driver. He was the only one qualified to do it, and he was great. He was early every day, never took late lunches, was personable, and was more than happy to help with non-forklift-related things.

One day one of the audio department idiots was looking for a replacement item for a customer and ripped open the shrink wrap of a palette and didn't re-wrap it or tell Mike it was open. A bit later Mike goes to move that palette and boom, high-end electronics fall ten feet to the concrete floor and are destroyed.

Store policy is a mandatory drug test. Mike was very much not the kind of guy to do drugs -- he was like a black Hank Hill -- but he failed and was fired the next day.

We were all very confused about it until he came back a few days later to get his last check. He tested positive for marijuana (then illegal here). Turns out that while he himself doesn't smoke it, his wife did all day for medical reasons and he'd just been home for lunch.

The managers understood but their hands were tied. It sucked for everyone all around.

What's a story you don't tell people because they wouldn't believe it? by Rokursoxtv in AskReddit

[–]mattoly 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I used an entire tube of chapstick before losing it once. In fact, I'm about two days away from doing it again. Beat that.

"All scrubs welcome!" by gt_H1zz in DestinyTheGame

[–]mattoly 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Sweet. Me too. Gamertag is the same as my username here. Let's shoot some dudes later!