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SingSing and Tobiwan Singapore GG Convention preview video! by luminaviin DotA2

[–]ezekielziggy 0 points1 point  (0 children)

There are two Irish bars at the ground level and the best taxi q in the city centre. I never ventured beyond that. There are some clubs as well including one which is popular with the domestic helpers.

SingSing and Tobiwan Singapore GG Convention preview video! by luminaviin DotA2

[–]ezekielziggy 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Don't let them know about orchard towers and the four floors of whores.

Britain Elects on Twitter: "National Opinion Poll (Survation): LAB - 33% (+2) CON - 30% (+3) UKIP - 21% (-3) LDEM - 10% (+1) GRN by _Brutal_Jerk_Off_in ukpolitics

[–]ezekielziggy 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Online polls often produce significantly different results to phone polls and I would argue less accurate and more volatile ones. I posted a link earlier from someone at ICM talking about online polls.

What is the correct way to serve weetabix? by lordcooperin unitedkingdom

[–]ezekielziggy 0 points1 point  (0 children)

That was the logic my English teacher passed onto me. :p

What is the correct way to serve weetabix? by lordcooperin unitedkingdom

[–]ezekielziggy 48 points49 points  (0 children)

Breakfast should be as disappointing as the day you are planning to have.

Is The Musketeers(BBC) worth watching? by SinghAkash101in television

[–]ezekielziggy 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I kind of stopped watching part way through, it just wasn't doing anything for me which is a shame.

Does anyone recommend "The Affair" by NotABlackMan858in television

[–]ezekielziggy 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I really enjoyed it. I thought it was a quality production, I wouldn't put it in my top 5 shows this year but it's really really good.

Our exclusive polls shows Jim Murphy faces huge uphill task to return to power by ezekielziggyin unitedkingdom

[–]ezekielziggy[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Yeah national polls rarely give a full picture of what happens on a constituency level, I doubt we will see such complete domination by the SNP but I imagine they will grab a fair few seats.

Is "Chink" a racist term? by [deleted]in unitedkingdom

[–]ezekielziggy 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Yes it really fucking is.

What is the stupidest thing one of our politicians have ever said? by thisisnotariotin unitedkingdom

[–]ezekielziggy 0 points1 point  (0 children)

A large portion of constituencies haven't changed for some time.

Seats that haven't changed parties since end of the second world war: England 30% Scotland 19% Wales 33% Overall 29%

Seats that haven't changed parties since 1970: England 50% Scotland 42% Wales 43% Overall 49%

Valve refuses to publish indie game with nudity, allows nude sex scenes in AAA games by Skrapionin Games

[–]ezekielziggy 6 points7 points  (0 children)

We were lying down on the grass and I guess my shirt must have been up slightly and so she saw a bit of my stomach hair and made the comment nonchalantly. I just joked that it was just the treasure trail/stomach hair. Not that awkward. Besides I'm irish blooded, we tend to be slightly hairy at times.

Valve refuses to publish indie game with nudity, allows nude sex scenes in AAA games by Skrapionin Games

[–]ezekielziggy 16 points17 points  (0 children)

A friend in Singapore once confused my stomach hair for pubes. It happens sometimes.

The new Lifestealer, in a nutshell... by wombatmacncheesein DotA2

[–]ezekielziggy 1 point2 points  (0 children)

It's cool, it happens :P

In fairness I shouldn't have posted it twice.

Greens working on 12 seats at 2015 general election by Ajnin123in unitedkingdom

[–]ezekielziggy 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I've lived in Brighton for the last couple of years, quite a few people are fond of Caroline Lucas but they really really hate the council. Especially for the bin strikes nonsense.

I have a feeling Labour will capture the seat but we shall wait and see.

Labour opens up five-point poll lead over Tories | Politics by ezekielziggyin unitedkingdom

[–]ezekielziggy[S] 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Labour and the Conservatives have a tendency to be closer to the nations pulse on a number of issues, people don't like to be contradicted. There are a number of reasons why the LibDems struggle to be heard; It has been a two party country for some time and the media typically focused on govt vs opposition, vested interests, the libdems are centrist and liberal (it isn't terribly exciting and liberal parties are struggling in europe at the moment), for a long time they were dismissed (seen as soft on crime, sums were accused of not adding up ect), the ftpt system and that the LibDems media and spin operation is nowhere near as savey as Cons/Lab.

Even though tuition fees wasn't a main pledge, it was pretty much the only one that was widely known by the general public. Nick Clegg promised a different kind of politics and some felt that this was a betrayal of that.

It also worth mentioning that Labour spent its first year or two focusing on the 2010 LD vote, doing whatever it could to win them over. Also worth mentioning is George Osbourne's decision to dedicate resources to paint Nick Clegg badly during the AV campaign.

Vikings: Season 3 Premiere Date Announced by Cletus_TheFetusin television

[–]ezekielziggy 0 points1 point  (0 children)

He did say it involved lots of cold water and he grew out his facial hair for this (he already had long hair).