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Labour will win 'comfortable' majority at general election, says Lord Ashcroft - Telegraph by Evsiein ukpolitics

[–]JackXDark 6 points7 points  (0 children)

What you're missing is that many who voted Lib Dem and didn't want a Tory government, but ended up with one as a result, will vote Labour. That's where swings will come from.

Bruce Lee full contact sparring. Unreal. by I_have_teefin videos

[–]JackXDark 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Not sure why this is being down voted or an issue. All of my family from Hong Kong consider themselves Cantonese first, British second. They're okay with Chinese as a generalisation, but don't tend to use it.

Bruce Lee full contact sparring. Unreal. by I_have_teefin videos

[–]JackXDark 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Definitely, but beautifully so and the use of the same move twice is meant to show contempt and that Lee is in control of the fight at all times.

I'm guessing, but it's possible he considered this move a way to test opponents' reaction speed.

Guido Fawkes on Twitter: "Tories desperate to avoid interview clangers brief MPs on price of eggs, milk & a pint" by EastIndiaCompin ukpolitics

[–]JackXDark 6 points7 points  (0 children)

The right answer is that the cost of a pint of milk is either negligibly insignificant, or its an unreachable luxury too far.

Understanding this rather than being able to name a figure is the mark of whether a politician gets it or not.

Bruce Lee full contact sparring. Unreal. by I_have_teefin videos

[–]JackXDark -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

About as much so as being a Scot or Welsh.

A large chunk of my family is from Hong Kong and they don't regard themselves as Chinese and moved back here to the UK in 97 because of this.

Bruce Lee full contact sparring. Unreal. by I_have_teefin videos

[–]JackXDark -6 points-5 points  (0 children)

Hong Kong was Cantonese. Mainland China mostly Mandarin. He'd probably have come down as Cantonese.

Bruce Lee full contact sparring. Unreal. by I_have_teefin videos

[–]JackXDark 35 points36 points  (0 children)

He regularly leads with the same right hand backfist strike though.

In Enter the Dragon he uses the move twice in his fight against O'Hara to show his contempt for him and establishing superiority right away, but you can see him do it again in this.

Rochester and Strood MP Mark Reckless defects to UKIP by Creamy_Goodne55in unitedkingdom

[–]JackXDark 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I'm trying to find figures for other defections and can only see one other Labour councillor going to UKIP, in Northampton. There's one Labour to Tory and a few more to independent. Happy to hear if there are any others, but compared to Tories going to UKIP it's not exactly a trend.

Rochester and Strood MP Mark Reckless defects to UKIP by Creamy_Goodne55in unitedkingdom

[–]JackXDark 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Sure, because they've realised they didn't make an especially good choice for leader in Miliband, but I'd be astonished if anyone who'd put effort into becoming a Labour MP would prefer Farage.

I'd be surprised if there were a leadership challenge or coup, but would suggest that moves towards this would be more likely than anyone moving to UKIP.

Rochester and Strood MP Mark Reckless defects to UKIP by Creamy_Goodne55in unitedkingdom

[–]JackXDark 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Okay, granted, and due to the numbers involved it's more likely that councillors rather than MPs would go, but the numbers of councillors in the UK is about 20k or so, I believe, so four is pretty insignificant.

Rochester and Strood MP Mark Reckless defects to UKIP by Creamy_Goodne55in unitedkingdom

[–]JackXDark 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Why? What's the reason for thinking this? Who's even close to being Eurosceptic, let alone close to finding Farage palatable, amongst Labour MPs?

I call bullshit and that the rumour's only source is Craig Oliver.

EDIT: Okay, on reflection I'd offer slightly shorter odds on Graham Stringer defecting than anyone else, but still consider it extremely unlikely to the point of negligible possibility.

Rochester and Strood MP Mark Reckless defects to UKIP by Creamy_Goodne55in unitedkingdom

[–]JackXDark 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I'd lay odds that doesn't happen and there's no one even vaguely close to considering it and any 'word on the street' has been started by Tories in a poor attempt at handling their recent defections.

I'd even consider it extremely unlikely that any Labour councillors would defect.

There's so much water in my Asda bacon, it's like trying to fry soup by IanCalin britishproblems

[–]JackXDark 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Might sound counterintuitive, but if you rinse bacon before cooking it, it goes crispier.

Just saw a screening for "Mad Max: Fury Road" tonight... by TylerOrtega1500in movies

[–]JackXDark 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Okay. My mistake. Can't bloody tell what's an answer to what when things get nested like this.

Just saw a screening for "Mad Max: Fury Road" tonight... by TylerOrtega1500in movies

[–]JackXDark 1 point2 points  (0 children)

There's a scene in the original where a woman's being raped and then killed and she's shown topless. That breaches a lot of country's rules about sexual violence on film, so it's usually not shown at all.

Who would like to play a game called 'Is my MP a scamming twat?' by NeightheismNowin unitedkingdom

[–]JackXDark 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Except the Daily Fail makes shit up and is partisan.

This is evidence based.

Stephen Fry took cocaine at Buckingham Palace by thewibblerin unitedkingdom

[–]JackXDark 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Is this news? Hasn't be been on record about 'jazz salt' before?

I'm Lenny, AMA. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) by LovelyLennyin casualiama

[–]JackXDark 0 points1 point  (0 children)

What inspired you to write Ace of Spades?

How does Slash get the "November Rain" tone? by xFreeZeexin Guitar

[–]JackXDark 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Most of Appetite was recorded on a BC Rich Warlock and an Explorer type Jackson.

The Les Paul replica was only used at the last minute to redo some of the solos.

Can the Green Party be the UKIP of the left? by erowidtrancein unitedkingdom

[–]JackXDark 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Well, maybe water towers like you see in flat areas anyway?

It doesn't really require any new technology to solve the problem, just a slightly different approach.

Can the Green Party be the UKIP of the left? by erowidtrancein unitedkingdom

[–]JackXDark 0 points1 point  (0 children)

the only way of doing that on an adequate scale

Maybe, but not necessarily. I've seen some studies involving filling gasometer like structures with compressed air which could have a similar effect. I'm not an engineer so don't know what barriers there are to doing this, but it seems like a plausible direction to look in.

Can the Green Party be the UKIP of the left? by erowidtrancein unitedkingdom

[–]JackXDark 1 point2 points  (0 children)

For me nuclear is the only true reliable source of energy that is not fossil fuel based, I think a mix of nuclear and renewables is our best option.

There's potentially enough renewable energy available, it's storing and releasing it when needed somehow instead of constantly generating it on demand like fossil fuels and nuclear that's the issue. That's far from an insurmountable challenge.

Medical testing on animals is unfortunately necessary for the advancement of drugs and basic science. I assure you if there was a viable alternative we would use it.

I realise it isn't a clear cut case, but it could still be drastically reduced.

Can the Green Party be the UKIP of the left? by erowidtrancein unitedkingdom

[–]JackXDark 1 point2 points  (0 children)

As in David Icke of "The Queen is a giant space lizard" David Icke? wow I did not know that!


Well regardless of how far theyve come, the stance on GMO, Nuclear power and animal test is utterly moronic.

GMO sure, nuclear - their policy now is that we may as well skip it as a transitory technology, which I agree with. I'm also with them on animal testing. It's thinks like homeopathy that I most strongly take issue with, but they're moving towards evidence based policy.

Can the Green Party be the UKIP of the left? by erowidtrancein unitedkingdom

[–]JackXDark 2 points3 points  (0 children)

They do seem to be getting the message. As soon as that happens, they'll probably be a lot more electable.

Don't forget that it wasn't all that long ago that David Icke was the party's leader. They've come a long way since then.