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How much do you think a homeless man could make doing this? by zacharygarrenin funny

[–]IAmAWhaleProstitute 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I don't think a homeless person cares about any of that, free is free and every penny counts when you live on the street. It's not like the guy demanded a thank you and a shoe shining in return. Even if you consider it worthless, if you're not going to yell at every single person that doesn't give you money each day, you shouldn't yell at the person that does, even if it's basically nothing.

I've always wanted to get into actually reading more comic books, but find the medium can make it hard to get a complete story. So what are the best comic book compendiums? by I_never_respondin comicbooks

[–]IAmAWhaleProstitute 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Well I've just come into this thread, but I would guess that besides posting a question that's asked pretty much every day and can be answered in the sidebar under the "Where to start reading section," comicbooks are too big to ask "what's good" without being more specific. It's similar to saying "What are the best books?" Of course comicbooks tend to sway towards superhero stuff, but even then, you've got very different and MANY different stories based on which character you think you'd like to get into.

You really should check out those two links in the sidebar, a lot of people tend to give out the same recommendations and you can find a lot of those in those lists.

Anyone else annoyed we won't get a batman game this Christmas? by [deleted]in batman

[–]IAmAWhaleProstitute 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Everyone is annoyed. I'm sure there's plenty of people who will say "I don't care if we don't get another Batman game until George R.R. Martin finishes his next book, so long as it's good!" but everyone wanted it by its original release date. But there's nothing we can do about it, so shrug.

Amanda Waller looks terrible in Assault on Arkham by danbowskiin batman

[–]IAmAWhaleProstitute 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Not a single person is saying she's beautiful. They're saying she's not supposed to look beautiful like every single other character in the DC universe, she's supposed to be intimidating and not give a fuck what anyone else thinks of her. Her nickname is "the Wall" for a reason.

Your superhero is invalid. by LeftyBigGunsin batman

[–]IAmAWhaleProstitute 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Batman has mental issues when it comes to murder. Seeing his parents murdered as a kid led to him dressing as a bat and punching criminals in the face on a nightly basis. He just can't bring himself to commit murder, it's an obsessive psychological thing.

That and it's a comic book and DC isn't going to kill off one of their most popular villains.

Swamp Thing is overpowered (Swamp Thing 14, 19, 23, 25, 27, 32, Annual #2) by SoloNexusOrIFeedin comicbooks

[–]IAmAWhaleProstitute 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Well Alan Moore also wrote two of Superman's most popular stories "Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow" and "For the Man Who Has Everything" so that isn't the best comparison.

But I think a big difference is (aside from the fact that the people that usually complain about Superman don't actually read his stories, they just base it off of outdated jokes from things like Family Guy and Robot Chicken) that Superman is a traditional superhero that fights bad guys, so people say "how can you have someone so OP fight anyone?" Although anyone who reads his stories will be able to answer that pretty easily. Whereas Swamp Thing's stories aren't typically about him punching bank robbers in the face and carting them off to jail, he's supposed to be an OP character because he's not a superhero, he's a godlike being that represents all the plant matter on earth. Although the New 52 has certainly dispelled that a bit in things like Justice League Dark.

Your superhero is invalid. by LeftyBigGunsin batman

[–]IAmAWhaleProstitute 4 points5 points  (0 children)

In Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe, while fighting Wolverine Deadpool says "See, I already killed you once. And I bet you'll come back again and again, no matter how many times I slaughter you. Your tendency to come back from the brink of death has nothing to do with your healing factor. Your mutant power isn't regeneration. It's popularity."

Same deal goes for Batman. I love Batman. But he's a character whose popularity dwarfs a lot of other characters because of his success in media outside of comics. So you've got A LOT of fans that have only seen a very limited amount of him, maybe in the 90s cartoon show or the Nolan films, and often ignore all other comics, and so they have a very skewed view of these characters because they really only care about one of them, so of course that's the one they want to win.

There's nothing wrong with only exposing yourself to whatever amount of the comicbook medium you feel like, but it can easily lead to arguments from ignorance, like this often reposted image. You get these mental gymnastics of what Batman has to do to win and it becomes more about creating the ideal situation for how the other characters can lose rather than an equal grounds where 3 characters that are all superheroes that all win 9/10 of their fights and all have significant plot armor face off.

In the end it sometimes devolves to the levels of "okay so Batman uses his magic power of prep time and he throws a kryptonite rock at Superman who bends over and spreads his ass cheeks so it can fly right on up there. Then Tony dies of alcohol poisoning before the fight starts and Batman dry humps his face. Yay!"

Alan Moore Just Finished a Million Word Novel by apoptosis66in comicbooks

[–]IAmAWhaleProstitute 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I think it's kind of a boy who cried wolf thing. When you complain about too many thing too often, eventually people will stop paying attention to you because they think you just don't like anything. He even complains about his own work, I've heard him bad mouthing Batman and The Killing Joke in the past.

I'm sure a lot of people agree that he has some very valid points, just that he could use a bit of moderation in them. And he could stand to deflate his ego, he takes credit for a lot in the industry despite writers like Gaiman and Morrison going on to write hit after hit while Moore hasn't put out anything exceptionally notable in quite a while.

Also probably doesn't help that he looks like a hobo and practices magic, some people probably just think he's crazy.

TIL: Firefighters would hide in Ground Zero rubble so that dogs could find "survivors". Constantly finding bodies was leading to high stress in the dogs as they thought they were failing. by KayakBassFisherin todayilearned

[–]IAmAWhaleProstitute 36 points37 points  (0 children)

Animals do not feel the same range of emotions that humans do. You're way off on that one. A basic search will immediately yield you results on that one.

Science has clearly progressed a long, long way beyond the thinking of Descartes and Malebranche. We have now come to understand that dogs possess all of the same brain structures that produce emotions in humans. Dogs have the same hormones and undergo the same chemical changes that humans do during emotional states. Dogs even have the hormone oxytocin, which, in humans, is involved with feeling love and affection for others. With the same neurology and chemistry that people have, it seems reasonable to suggest that dogs also have emotions that are similar to ours. However, it is important to not go overboard and immediately assume that the emotional ranges of dogs and humans are the same.

Dogs go through their developmental stages much more quickly than humans do and have all of the emotional range that they will ever achieve by the time they are four to six months of age (depending on the rate of maturation in their breed). The important fact is that we know that the assortment of emotions available to the dog will not exceed that which is available to a human who is two to two-and-a-half years old. This means that a dog will have all of the basic emotions: joy, fear, anger, disgust, and, yes, love, but the dog does not experience the more complex emotions like guilt, pride, and shame.

ANNIHILATOR #1 - Discussion Thread by ItAlsoTravelsInThymein comicbooks

[–]IAmAWhaleProstitute 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Your first sentence contradicts your second. A one trick pony doesn't also write great stories that are different. And Morrison has written A LOT of popular stories, dudes' been around since the late 70s. A few of them involve breaking the 4th wall or analyzing the medium itself. Big deal. It's like 4 out of 100 stories or something.

Reddit CEO gets downvoted in a joke reply to AutoModerator and people didn't like it at all by MyFuckingAutismin SubredditDrama

[–]IAmAWhaleProstitute 0 points1 point  (0 children)

That means absolutely nothing. Like, not a single thing. That's like saying KFC and Pizza Hut are basically the same thing because they're both owned by Yum! Brands.

Not to mention they're not even owned by the parent company, Advance Publications anymore.

reddit is not owned by Condé Nast. reddit used to be owned by Condé Nast, but in 2011 it was moved out from under Condé Nast to Advance Publications, which is Condé Nast’s parent company. Then in 2012, reddit was spun out into a re-incorporated independent entity with its own board and control of its own finances, hiring a new CEO and bringing back co-founder Alexis Ohanian to serve on the board. The best characterization might be to say that reddit is a “part-sibling-once-removed” of Condé Nast.

Any more straws you want to grasp at there?

What would a comics fan from 1994 be most surprised about if they could see 2014? by JeffRyan1in comicbooks

[–]IAmAWhaleProstitute 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Limited success? They may not be putting out as expansive of a universe, but DC made a fortune on the Batman trilogy and Man of Steel, and I'm sure Dawn of Justice will gross over a billion just on the characters in it alone.

Guardians of the Galaxy overtakes Iron Man to become Marvel's biggest franchise-starter at the global box office by [deleted]in movies

[–]IAmAWhaleProstitute 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Superman and Batman dedicated their lives to defending people. The Guardians were a ragtag bunch of criminals all looking out for their own interests until they eventually came together for a bigger cause near the end and became friends.

Evidence of corruption in the Reddit Admin staff by TheOSSin videos

[–]IAmAWhaleProstitute 14 points15 points  (0 children)

I mean, if you don't like it, you can always listen to the video and leave your own summary of it. If you're too lazy or don't care enough about this to do that though, then you can't really complain that someone else did it in their own way. They're not obligated to give you a specific type of summary, they did just spend an hour of their free time listening to something entirely unimportant and spent the time typing up a summary with time marks for everyone elses convenience.

When I saw the cover and then saw the first page, I actually laughed. [The Death of Wolverine 1, not really spoilers] by LuigiEatsPopcornin comicbooks

[–]IAmAWhaleProstitute 2 points3 points  (0 children)

How exactly do you go about doing that? Do you just put $3 in an envelope and send it to Marvel Comics or something?

Another Admin post about the banning of /r/TheFappening by Ro11ingThund3rin SubredditDrama

[–]IAmAWhaleProstitute 1 point2 points  (0 children)

You obviously didn't read anything from that thread if you think there was 25,000 comments of legitimate discussion. I was checking out the new que when that drama went down. The same handful of people were copy and pasting the same copy pasta over and over and over. "Mods are censoring this! Come to this sub! Fuck Zoe Quinn!" That's obviously not exactly what they were writing, but that's the gist of it. There wasn't discussion, just a few losers wasting their time.

Favorite character by Votigain comicbooks

[–]IAmAWhaleProstitute 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Comparing Daredevil to Batman is a pretty common analogy The two have had two crossover books even (King of New York and Eye for an Eye.)

This oughtta start a good debate. Batman vs captain america by sleeplesskn1ghtin batman

[–]IAmAWhaleProstitute 2 points3 points  (0 children)

It doesn't sound like you've ever read a single Captain America comic.

Who would win? by trellexin batman

[–]IAmAWhaleProstitute 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Winter Soldier tried an EMP on Iron Man a while back. His suit detected it and shut down before the blast. An EMP fries the electronics, but if it shuts down before hand, it can just reboot afterward. He said to Bucky "Do you really think no one has tried an EMP before?" You get into all sorts of /r/askscience type logic about how an EMP affects electronics when they're powered up versus shut down and things like Faraday cages, but the point is that Iron Man has thought about that before.

One thing that bothered me about the Arkham games by Doublenyherin batman

[–]IAmAWhaleProstitute 4 points5 points  (0 children)

It's a legal issue. Everyone at DC is well aware of the Bill Finger story, but their hands are tied in some regards. I don't know how far Bob Kane's contract extends to, maybe in that instance whoever was in charge of writing that little line in the game legally couldn't write Bill Finger there, or maybe it was just some intern tasked with writing up the credits and they were lazy about it.

Bill Finger's grand daughter is his only surviving relative. Bill Finger died before he ever met her, but she does currently get some royalty checks (although not on the scale that Kane's family does of course.)

That's just the way things are. Bob Kane's hiring of Finger as a ghost writer was a common practice at the time and Finger never put up a fight to get proper credit for his work, so Bob Kane was easily able to have a very air tight contract written up to give him credit for creating Batman.

Anyone who is only a casual Batman fan doesn't really care who Bob Kane or Bill Finger are, they just want to see him punch bad guys and act like a bad ass. And anyone who is a more invested fan more than likely knows who Bill Finger is and what his contributions were.