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My new pocket piece. I can take this pipe anywhere. by Classiest_Erectionin StonerEngineering

[–]Endoroid99 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Yep, I burnt my lips plenty when I used to smoke it

I have needed glasses all my life and my friends always try to say I'm wrong by elvirayoin funny

[–]Endoroid99 14 points15 points  (0 children)


So many times, people asking me fingers. Still 4, just blurry.

can you explain King Arthur myths? by UpintheSky277in books

[–]Endoroid99 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I quite enjoyed that series, came in here to recommend it too

My Xbox 360 Controller broke. Should I get another one, a Dualshock 4 or a Xbox One controller? by CubeSoldierin pcgaming

[–]Endoroid99 4 points5 points  (0 children)

If you liked the 360 controller, you'll love the xbox one controller. It's the same, but better. I had no problem making the switch

Which match-up are you most comfortable in? (Polls) by IncubusSc2in starcraft

[–]Endoroid99 0 points1 point  (0 children)

For me, i find that's my best MU, as i "get" my own race the best

Things you think everyone does, but no one admits? by WoahThereTurboin AskReddit

[–]Endoroid99 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I think everyone picks, but i know i don't eat them

Canadians rally to paint over a mosque in Cold Lake, AB that was vandalized last night with spray paint saying "Go Home." by Lind_Zin pics

[–]Endoroid99 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Ignorance, for one.

Apparently some IS twitter accounts were claiming he was one of theirs, and then, you know...ignorance

ELI5: At a large aquarium where the fish are mixed (Zoos, Science Centers, etc) What keeps the sharks from not going to town on the various fish they're contained with? by FannaZappain explainlikeimfive

[–]Endoroid99 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Interesting to read some of the other responses. Based on my local aquarium, where the only things in the shark tank are turtles and rays(and sharks, of course) , I has always assumed they don't keep fish small enough to be dinner in the shark tank.

Gamers of reddit, what is your opinion, that would piss off the most of gamers? by CzechNoobin AskReddit

[–]Endoroid99 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Why you should always read more than one review, because people are going to biased, even based off their personal preference. There is no way to stay unbiased in something you care about. You are naturally going to have opinions on the matter.

What were you known for in school ? by SirValerianin AskReddit

[–]Endoroid99 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I was the weird stoner kid. Coloured hair, brightly coloured clothes, crazy hair styles.

User has a problem with offensive language in /r/gardening by Erra0in SubredditDrama

[–]Endoroid99 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Yeah...I didn't really get the connection either. I consider myself to be all those things, and I swear all the damn time.

Especially the sex life. Because people who haven't been laid in awhile curse more?

Edit: extra letters

Crazy how times have changed. [Pokemon] by Arcturus_in gaming

[–]Endoroid99 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Funny to see that. Where i live we have a town called White Rock, because it has a big white rock

ELI5: is it really as easy to knock someone out as Hollywood makes it seem? by Vargasa871in explainlikeimfive

[–]Endoroid99 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I knocked someone out cold once, with just a light punch to the face. He was really really drunk though. But at the same time I've seen people get bottled and barely even be fazed, so it think there's alot of factors that come into play

Far Cry 4 MP requires the $30 Season Pass? by mrshowtime3in pcgaming

[–]Endoroid99 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I don't care much for MP anyways, but I don't think you're going to find that games have awesome MP just because you pay extra for it.

I agree about DLC, that it should be actual content. Borderlands was good for this, although they do have alot cosmetic DLC I will admit. Maybe I just don't have any faith in ubi. I think this will just be a money grab.

Far Cry 4 MP requires the $30 Season Pass? by mrshowtime3in pcgaming

[–]Endoroid99 10 points11 points  (0 children)

You shouldn't have to pay extra for MP. I'm getting tired of being gouged by companies for every little bit they can. I don't think ubisoft will be getting my money here

I have 8 hours during the day I can read, but not play starcraft. What would make me better at the game? by dontdrinktheTin starcraft

[–]Endoroid99 0 points1 point  (0 children)

But when you pause replays, do you then spend 5 minutes talking to someone on an entirely different topic and then go back to the replay. It's alot easier for me to go back to a written article and pickup where i was than on a replay. It's why i stopped watching netflix during my down time, i had no idea what happened during the series, but i was done the series.

I have a lot of downtime some days, where there is no work to focus on, and you can only spend so much time on reddit before you start to run out of blue links. Like today for example, other than a rush when some systems went down, i'm spending about 10 minutes between calls, browsing reddit and twiddling my thumbs.

Other days i'm busy as stink and and have no time to do anything other than work

I have 8 hours during the day I can read, but not play starcraft. What would make me better at the game? by dontdrinktheTin starcraft

[–]Endoroid99 1 point2 points  (0 children)

As i said, vods are difficult to follow along because of frequent interruptions. While granted i can pause it, but it gets alot harder to keep up with when i'm having to stop it every 2-3 minutes

I have 8 hours during the day I can read, but not play starcraft. What would make me better at the game? by dontdrinktheTin starcraft

[–]Endoroid99 5 points6 points  (0 children)

I'm in same position as OP. I work from home answering phone calls. When it's slow i can browse whatever i want( I mean, i am on reddit right now), but watching vods or streams are difficult due to frequent interruptions. I sometimes have my tablet running a stream, but you miss chunks of it when dealing with a caller