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I lost a ton of JP things I collected as a kid due to time. Time to start over. by Kay-Sin JurassicPark

[–]EDoftheDEAD 0 points1 point  (0 children)

McVities Mini Cheddars. BBQ Flavoured. Jurassic Park. Never Forget.

I'm scared... by mislaglein JurassicPark

[–]EDoftheDEAD 0 points1 point  (0 children)

One thing i hope from this new movie is that theres a believable reason as to how the park got sanctioned considering the events of the first 2 movies.

I'm scared... by mislaglein JurassicPark

[–]EDoftheDEAD 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I was disappointed to hear this news too but I am still excited for the movie. Jurassic Park was the first film I ever saw at the movies and it has remained my favourite movie ever since, so it is hard for me to not be excited by the new film, even after the abomination that was JP3. Also, I have a lot of faith in the director and writers. Although there isn't a great deal of evidence, as they have only made one film together, they do know how to craft a great story.

Spinosaur or Tyrannosaur? by oh_rylehin JurassicPark

[–]EDoftheDEAD 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I've heard a t rex will be in it but something else will be a big bad, but it won't be a spino. The spino was one of many worse things about JP3.

Post Episode Discussion: S2 Episode 3 - "Face My Enemy" by RaginApein shield

[–]EDoftheDEAD 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Oceans Twelve gets so much hate but I enjoyed it so much. I think because the tone of it was so unexpected. I always loved this scene.

Post Episode Discussion: S2 Episode 3 - "Face My Enemy" by RaginApein shield

[–]EDoftheDEAD 0 points1 point  (0 children)

It now makes sense as to why that fight scene was bad ass.

Post Episode Discussion: S2 Episode 3 - "Face My Enemy" by RaginApein shield

[–]EDoftheDEAD 0 points1 point  (0 children)

"Fucking nice" were the words that came from my mouth once she did that. I haven't said that about a fight scene since The Raid 2.

Bryan Cranston as Jesse Pinkman and Aaron Paul as Walter White. Brilliant costume ideas. by chipotleisgoodin funny

[–]EDoftheDEAD 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Where do they go to do this? They have dressed as other characters from the show in the past.

I got to wondering how the zombies had changed over the course of the series. Apparently the superfans already knew that they were getting grosser. But I did my own research and thought you might appreciate a visual [x-post from r/pics] by ad8871in thewalkingdead

[–]EDoftheDEAD 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I know this isn't a new realisation but it has to be said again; Nicotero and his team have really nailed Adlards zombie designs. These are the best zombies I have ever seen in any medium.

Is there a way to sign up to be one on the show?

Anyone play Falling Skies the game? (Just released 2 days ago) by Other-Otterin FallingSkies

[–]EDoftheDEAD 0 points1 point  (0 children)

me and my boys had a gaming night last friday... One tv had Mordor playing, another had Alien Isolation and the third had Fifa 15. I found it hard to get off Mordor, so enjoyable!

Anyone else worried that Captain America is getting overshadowed in his own films? by rkkimin marvelstudios

[–]EDoftheDEAD 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Ok, to go further to make my point: a team up movie in my mind consists of two tent pole characters.

Anyone else worried that Captain America is getting overshadowed in his own films? by rkkimin marvelstudios

[–]EDoftheDEAD 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I clearly explained what I was referring to as a team up. So Avengers isn't an example of what i am talking about.

My mistake on the release, i thought BvS was pushed back instead of brought forward

Anyone else worried that Captain America is getting overshadowed in his own films? by rkkimin marvelstudios

[–]EDoftheDEAD 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I see your point about the character possibly being overshadowed but it worked great in TWS. Yes we had all these other characters but the character we saw it having the most effect on was Cap.

I'm hoping Cap3 shows the world that we don't always need singular films. We can have films with multiple main characters but still get a human story from it.

When Batman vs Superman was announced i said to a friend that although Marvel are owning the superhero genre right now, DC beat them to the "Team Up" movie, but now we will be getting Cap3 before that film so Marvel are still owning the game on all fronts. It's wonderful.

by team up i just mean 2 big characters take centre stage, not a team like in The Avengers.

[S5E1] So I was just curious what other episodes Scott Gimple was a writer for... by I_want_hard_workin thewalkingdead

[–]EDoftheDEAD 3 points4 points  (0 children)

I know it's a group effort but he was credited with that episode for a reason, outside of Gimple he was the one who probably had the most influence on that episodes script. Also, it is an iconic moment in the comic. Kirkman should have fought for it to play out differently. So with him being credited as the writer and Gimple as the showrunner, it's hard to blame anyone else for that moment being poorly adapted.

Robert Downey Jr. to Join ‘Captain America 3′ by dardanrashitiin movies

[–]EDoftheDEAD 1 point2 points  (0 children)

What I mean is that, we would still get his comic book name but seeing as it is a ridiculous name, Stark could be the only one who could get away with it because he's use it in mocking way or nickname.

[S5E1] So I was just curious what other episodes Scott Gimple was a writer for... by I_want_hard_workin thewalkingdead

[–]EDoftheDEAD 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I hadn't realised he wrote that one. That episode did have a 2Fast2Furious vibe to it.

[S5E1] So I was just curious what other episodes Scott Gimple was a writer for... by I_want_hard_workin thewalkingdead

[–]EDoftheDEAD 4 points5 points  (0 children)

The scene in season 4 where Tyrese fights his way through a horde from the crashed car is adapted from a scene in the comics where he gets left behind in the prison gym because he refused to leave (his head was in a mess after the suicide of his daughter). He is locked in the gym with the zombies and if memory serves, it is a few issues later until rick and co. go back to the gym. they open up the doors and the place is a blood bath. they can't see if any of the remains belong to tyrese, then from behind him, rick hears "rick....what took you so long". We then see Tyrese slumped against the wall, exhausted and covered in zombie mess. The development and reveal was bad ass and beautiful.

The tv version is retarded... it was awesome seeing Tyrese unleash the beast on the horde. Daryl, Bob and Michonne have to leave him behind. But then they hear rumblings in a bush, just after running away from a horde of zombies in that very direction but for some reason they are curious as to what it could be. Then Tyrese busts through. It was shit.

and thus far, that exceptionally large horde has had no relevance to the show.

[SPOILERS] Most emotional moment? of 501 by edmmauin thewalkingdead

[–]EDoftheDEAD 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Morgan returning. I cried from all orifices.

Not sure if repost: Who do you wish was still alive and who are you glad is dead? by brocksonixin thewalkingdead

[–]EDoftheDEAD 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I use to miss Dale. I think I miss Shane because he has been the most interesting character, or best developed on the show thus far. But T Dog and Merle are two guys who were killed off way too early.

I'm glad they killed Andrea. Lord, they fucked her character up.

On Scott Gimple's Run by InMyRestlessDreamsin thewalkingdead

[–]EDoftheDEAD 5 points6 points  (0 children)

and This Sorrowful Life in which we lost M... I can't even say it!

[COMIC SPOILERS][Potential future spoilers season 5] What I think may happen to a certain character. by rynbru32in thewalkingdead

[–]EDoftheDEAD 3 points4 points  (0 children)

They have barely used the awesomeness that is Tyrese. If they kill him now then I'll be pissed. I want a few people to be dropped before the end of this season but Tyrese is not on that list.

[Spoilers] "Don't. Let him turn." by trunksbombin thewalkingdead

[–]EDoftheDEAD 2 points3 points  (0 children)

That's how I saw it. I didn't think of him being vindictive in this decision.

[S5E1] So I was just curious what other episodes Scott Gimple was a writer for... by I_want_hard_workin thewalkingdead

[–]EDoftheDEAD 6 points7 points  (0 children)

The last time Kirkman was credited as a writer he fucked up Tyrese's infamous scene from the comics.

Robert Downey Jr. to Join ‘Captain America 3′ by dardanrashitiin movies

[–]EDoftheDEAD 7 points8 points  (0 children)

If FF were ever brought into the MCU, Mr. Fantastic would be something Stark would only call him, through sarcasm.