Top Digital Life news


How the Australian Netflix differs from US

Ben Grubb 6:17 AM   The Australian Netflix has officially launched but has 7000 fewer titles than the US version.

Who turned down a third of Apple?

Tim Biggs 10:24 AM   In 1976 former Atari employee Steve Jobs approached the game-maker's boss with a proposal, but Nolan Bushnell wasn't interested.


Bloodborne is the game the PS4 needed

Anonymous app spoils Cruz's presidential party

How to watch Australian Netflix on your old gear

Wikipedia’s Aussie-made hoax exposed

More stories

Foxtel iQ3 embraces Freeview free-to-air

Adam Turner   Foxtel's new iQ3 video recorder lets you watch all the Freeview digital free-to-air channels and may even get Catch Up access.



Senator flags amendments to 'bad' metadata laws

Senate crossbencher David Leyonhjelm will attempt to amend metadata retention laws, warning new powers will allow the government to spy on its citizens.



Sid Meier's Starships: Civilization in the stars

James 'DexX' Dominguez   Starships is an excellent tactical mobile game, but it fails to scale up well to PC.


Apple praises new book on Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs prized secrecy from his executives and employees during his tenure at Apple. Now his top lieutenants are speaking out.


Debunking five Google myths

Daniel Lyons   It's one of the most familiar and recognisable brands in the world, but Google is often misunderstood. Here a five common myths



'Swatting' becomes hazard for streamers and police

Nick Wingfield   Pranksters targeting gamers who stream themselves online, calling police departments with false claims to prompt a raid they can watch in real time.


Tourists set up tents across Sydney

Rose Powell   Kim Boutard has been sleeping in a tent in Sydney backyard for about a week, even though she had never met the owner before she turned up at his door.

Myanmar's shadowy umbrella mystery

Su-Lin Tan   North Korea and China might be have a new contender in the race to be the best at photoshopping official government images.

This mobile app lets you pay with a selfie

Brett Molina   Signatures are too analog. Passwords are passé. Fingerprints are so 2014. Is the next big thing in authentication the smile?

Blogs & Columns

Gadgets on the Go

How to watch Australian Netflix on your old Smart TV or Blu-ray player

Adam Turner 9:15 AM   Netflix has finally arrived in Australia, but what can you do if your old home entertainment gear isn't invited to the party?


Social Radar

The truth about pirates - who’s doing it and why

Laura Demasi   A new study has shed more light onto why Australians are so keen to grab content anyway they can.



Apple Watch sets the gold standard for smartwatches

Garry Barker   The Apple Watch sets the standard for smart watches, in style and, more importantly, in functionality.



Apple opens Aperture debate with beta release of Photos

Terry Lane   Aperture is being retired in favour of Photos, which is built into the next version of the Yosemite operating system. Are we really going to get a free replacement for Aperture, for which we paid good money a couple of years ago?