super bowl spots

Tom Hiddleston, Ben Kingsley, and Mark Strong Get Evil For Super Bowl Jaguar Spot

We generally have a hard time watching ads for Jaguar without thinking of poor Lane Pryce, but another trio of dapper English gentlemen may be able to change that. This spot for Jaguar is one of many big Super Bowl ads to debut this week, trying to grab your attention in one of the few moments in the coming days when you won’t be shopping for, preparing, or eating nachos. And why would you eat them now, with Ben Kingsley, Mark Strong, and Tom Hiddleston grinning at you malevolently, reminding you that it’s way more fun to be a sly British villain than a dumb, puritan American screaming at people playing the other kind of football.

The ad comes with a built-in Marvel bias, featuring Kingsley (most recently seen as the so-called Mandarin in Iron Man 3) and Hiddleston (always and forever Loki of Asgard). Mark Strong has played bad guys in everything from Syriana to Kick-Ass, and took on his own supervillain status in the ill-fated Green Lantern movie, but he’s yet to take on a baddie quite as iconic as the characters played by Hiddleston and Kinsgley. If only John Carter and Low Winter Sun had worked out as planned. Maybe the way he pronounces “JAG-you-ers” in this spot will get him there. I know I’m scared.

Filed under:
tom hiddleston
ben kingsley
mark strong
super bowl