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Mark Hughes Contributor

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Warner Bros. Looking To Continue String Of Successes With Robot Film 'Pacific Rim'

The media’s at it again with another feeding frenzy over dire predictions of box office trouble, despite all the signs their prayers for a flop are based on dubious evidence. This time, it’s the upcoming release of Pacific Rim that’s the target. Well, I think these predictions will fall on their face, as they did with several other high-profile pictures this year that overcame negative hype about their box office prospects.

Pacific Rim, a $180 million budgeted PG-13 summer action-adventure story from director Guillermo del Toro, opens this Friday and is meant to launch a new franchise for Warner Bros. After an early disappointment with Jack the Giant Slayer earlier this year, the studio has enjoyed several successes in a row lately with 42, The Great Gatsby, The Hangover III, and Man of Steel (which have combined for more than $1.35 billion in worldwide box office). So a success with Pacific Rim would extend that winning streak (which will likely also end up including The Conjuring, Gravity, and The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, as well as probably at least one or two others), and help Warner in their mission to build franchises capable of helping make up the revenue stream that’s missing now that the Harry Potter series has ended (for now) and director Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy came to a close.

Today’s news insists Pacific Rim’s tracking numbers point to only a $25-35 million opening, despite the fact those tracking figures are notorious for excluding a large portion of one of THE main target audiences for this film (young males), and likewise tends to ignore a key demographic who might also turn out for this film (Latino audiences, which I wrote about recently). The articles do make note of those flaws eventually, but only after doom-and-gloom headlines and initial melodramatic hand-wringing. And of course it’s the ominous headlines that drive the narrative being gobbled up and regurgitated by the rest of the press, not the qualifiers stuck down farther in the articles that note how flawed and unreliable these numbers have in fact been.

Looking at the tracking numbers and then adjusting for the exposure on social media and portable devices for younger viewers and Latinos, as well as the fact the marketing is pushing hard in this final week, paints a different picture. Then, comparing this year’s and month’s box office trends to last year — and looking at the increases overall and the figures for top-five placement — gives us some further ideas regarding how things will shape up next weekend. The likely numbers for the other films in the frame likewise suggest plenty of extra room for Pacific Rim to step in and grab more receipts than today’s reports suggest. Finally, the early reviews are all overwhelmingly positive (as will be mine, so keep reading!), which will help the visibility and buzz for the movie.

All of this seems to me to make it likely that Pacific Rim will open to something in the $45 million range, and that could change if this week’s marketing is successful enough to push anticipation and buzz even higher. And if you need convincing that the mainstream press predictions could really be wrong, look at The Great Gatsby and World War Z as two recent examples where the media issued warnings of impending flops only to have to eat their words as those films each scored roughly double the predicted box office when they opened and went on to be very successful (their combined box office stands at nearly $700 million and counting, with both opening north of $50 million). So yes, Pacific Rim really could be headed toward an opening weekend in the $45-50 million range after all. Much depends on whether Despicable Me 2 attracts much repeat business from younger audiences and if Grown Ups 2 opens particularly big and draws a large younger male crowd as well, but I think Pacific Rim will still be more likely to hit at least $40 million even if those other two films heavily dominate the weekend, and I suspect that while those films will perform well they won’t detract from Pacific Rim‘s appeal and rising positive buzz.

Now, about that buzz. If you think this is a movie about giant robots fighting giant monsters, then you’re right. And Iron Man 3 was about a smart guy in a metal suit. Pacific Rim has giant robots and giant monsters, but it has a heckuva lot more than that. It has a cast full of well-defined characters played by strong performers, in a story that cares about those characters and about telling a fun, exciting story that says something about human nature and having hope in the face of of hopelessness. There is a complex backstory not only for the plot, but for the lives of the people in this story. They all struggle to overcome traumas that have left them scarred and scared, and the wonderful message is that we do not have to face those struggles alone. We are all connected, it tells us, and at the end of the day we will rise of fall together.

That depth of spirit and heart is a constant strength from start to finish, but what’s interesting is how often it also finds time to laugh and revel in the thrill of it all. Like Iron Man 3, this is an action movie with enough humor to almost qualify as a comedy. If you’re familiar with director del Toro’s Hellboy series, you already know the filmmaker likes satire and levity even in the midst of great drama and even tragedy. There’s far more of that sort of satire and comedy in Pacific Rim, particularly from the duo of Charlie Day and Burn Gorman. And the whole subplot (really more of a parallel plot) involving Ron Perlman, which could be a movie in and of itself, adds to the hilarity and sheer awesomeness of the proceedings. (Watch for my interviews with Perlman and the film’s screenwriter Travis Beacham, coming soon!)

Charlie Hunnam and Rinko Kikuchi have good chemistry as the lead characters who pilot one of the giant robots (known as jaegers), and their mutual tales of loss create a nice link beyond mere appreciation for one another’s fighting skills and their mutual physical attraction. That their connection turns out to have deeper implications and a great twist linking them to another arc is all the better.

I also enjoyed the attention given to Max Martini and Robert Kazinsky as a father-son team of jaeger pilots, and the way their characters mirror a lot of the dynamics and lost potential of Hunnan’s character when he was teamed up with his older brother (played by Diego Klattenhoff). Of course, Idris Elba is his typical excellent self, and boy is he given a lot to work with in this character. Whatever you’re expecting based on the trailers, there’s a lot more to his role than meets the eye. His is an arc that’s only slowly revealed, and the payoff lives up to the build-up.

And then there are the robots and monsters. You know there’s going to be a lot of CGI in this film, but what you don’t know is how beautiful it all looks. Guillermo del Toro shows you how gigantic battle sequences that demolish a city can be so artistically choreographed and so full of vibrant color and life and emotion, that it transcends the notion of spectacle. Sometimes realism is of utmost importance, and so a particular scene or sequence will be rendered in such a literalistic, realistic way as to make you wonder how they pulled it off. Other times, impression and sensation matters most, and so you are treated to lush visuals where neon colors and a brilliant mix of textures dominate your senses without overwhelming them in any way that would lose the effect.

The robots each have a unique personality and special tricks that make them stand out — I particularly loved the Russian jaeger — just as the monsters increase in size, capabilities, and strangeness. And del Toro treats them with weight and a true sense of their place and context within the big action set-pieces.

If you are a fan of the kaiju film genre, or a fan of mecha, then you’re going to be in love with this film. However, if you have no idea what those words even mean, don’t worry, you don’t need to be familiar with those genres to appreciate Pacific Rim. But after you’ve seen it, you might go home and look those terms up and decide to watch some more of them!

Visually, this is del Toro’s most striking and awe-inspiring feature since Pan’s Labyrinth. I could watch it repeatedly just to marvel at the imagery found in the settings, the costumes, the attention to little details, the colors, and even the movement of characters and props through scenes. Often times, a film will rely on such visual mastery in place of stronger characters or story or plot, but here we get all the visual delights without lacking the rest.

The end result is one of my favorite films of the year so far. It’s big, fun, and full of heart, proving blockbusters can tell great stories! This is how summer movies should be made. It joins Iron Man 3, World War Z, and The Lone Ranger on my personal list of the best summer films so far this year (by contrast, I was very disappointed in Star Trek Into Darkness and had a mixed reaction to Man of Steel). If you’ve read my reviews of those films and pretty much agreed, then chances are you’re going to love Pacific Rim as well.

And by the way, if Warner Bros. is looking for evidence that it’s time to greenlight Guillermo del Toro’s planned Justice League: Dark film, this movie is definitely all the proof they should need!

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  • Tanin Dunn Tanin Dunn 1 year ago

    Really glad you mentioned Guillermo del Toro’s plan for the Justice League Dark. I was hoping this film would be good and cause WB to let him get moving on it.

    I haven’t seen Pacific Rim yet, but I certainly plan to. Been paying attention to this movie for some time now.

    As far as best summer movies, not sure about your list…. Man of Steel was a great movie, Star Trek into Darkness was pretty good as well. Iron Man 3, ehhh, the twist ruined it for me. The Lone Ranger, it was funny, wasn’t expecting that. World War Z was awesome.

    Del Toro makes good movies. I really hope this opens well. I really want to see WB move forward with other DC properties, and a little confidence in the directors will go a long ways.

    Thanks for the review!

  • Name Name 1 year ago

    What films are you most looking forward to this year?