Today there are more places than ever to download, stream, listen to and buy music online. Whether it’s vinyl records or unlimited digital music on your mobile phone, there’s a service out there for you. Click through and we’ll show you the world of music downloads, streams, mobile applications, online radio and much more.

Find digital music through a wide variety of more than 70 online music services.

Music is a celebrated part of our culture, a universal language that brings people together. How to keep the music playing? When fans choose from the many authorized online music services listed on this website, from iTunes to Spotify to VEVO, and all the great online services in between, they can be sure that artists, labels, and the many others who make up the music community get paid for their creativity and hard work. And that helps keep the music playing.

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A Chat With Multi-Platinum Singer/Songwriter, Label Exec & Grammy Winner NE-YO


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What The Digital Music Services Are Saying