I’ve always really liked Jon Richardson. Despite being represented by Off The Kerb, whose biggest acts are mainstream shiny-floor, shiny-suited comics, there has always been something different about him. It wasn’t just his curmudgeonly misanthropy – Jack Dee from the same agency has been doing...
Jason Byrne is adding a new interactive element to his forthcoming show, which starts its 28-date UK tour in Sheffield on October 9. The tour follows a successful run at the Edinburgh Festival.Each year Jason is asked for the name of his touring show and each year Jason has to think up a title....
If you have a broadband connection you will have surely already seen this clip in which David Cameron's speeches are exquisitely edited to fit into the melody of Eminem's Lose Yourself. Last night it had had a million YouTube hits. I woke up this morning and the number had almost doubled....
Ticketmaster today reveals that female comedians are enjoying an unprecedented surge in popularity, with ticket sales having trebled since 2011. The finding forms part of Ticketmaster’s State of Play...
As low-key comedies go this is so low it is almost buried underground. Which is appropriate, because Detectorists is all about digging. Mackenzie Crook plays Andy and Toby Jones plays Lance, two...
In the final instalment of this entertaining trilogy on what it means to be grown up our curmudgeonly guide looks at parenthood. Jon Richardson can’t really bear the thought of children at the outset...
South Africa’s award-winning Cape Town Funny Festival comes to London under the guise of the Cape Town Funny Festival in London for three nights only from the 23-25 October.The project is...
Mad Men's Jon Hamm is to star in the Black Mirror Christmas special. Hamm will link together three separate stories "binding them togther into a suitably unsettling whole."The 90-minute special will...