Pacific Media Expo 2014 Fashion Guest of Honor: Yumi Fujiwara of Innocent World

Sep 17th 2014
LOS ANGELES, CA-- Pacific Media Expo (PMX) is excited to host Guest of Honor Yumi Fujiwara, President & Head Designer of the popular Classic Lolita brand, Innocent World. Ms. Yumi Fujiwara will be featured in several events throughout the convention notably the PMX 2014 Fashion Show at 2 P.M. on Sunday, November 9th, and the Tokyo-style pop-up boutique open all three days of the convention. The dates and times of her panel and evens TBA soon.

Innocent World's designer, Yumi Fujiwara, has created a new brand of clothing inspired by classical European designs that embodies the ideals of elegance and cuteness but is suitable for young women of the modern era. The brand name Innocent World brings to mind a simple world without dirt or blemish. Innocent World made this name to reflect the pure and innocent hearts of young women everywhere, at any age.

“Ms. Fujiwara made her inaugural splash at Pacific Media Expo 2010 and since then, we have been swamped with requests to bring her back again,” said Mike Tatsugawa, Pacific Media Association CEO.

Ms. Yumi Fujiwara will be answering all of your questions at a Q&A Panel so come support her as she features in another amazing fashion show and showcases the latest fashions of Innocent World at PMX 2014.

For more information, go to or

About Innocent World:

Innocent World is an Osaka-based Japanese clothing brand headed by designer Yumi Fujiwara. They are best known for their subtly sweet classic Lolita designs and are always featured in the latest volumes of Gothic & Lolita Bible and KERA.

About Pacific Media Expo:
As America's first major media trade show dedicated primarily to Asian-Pacific popular culture and entertainment, Pacific Media Expo (PMX) is a distinguished industry event sponsored by the Pacific Media Association. PMX strives to create an eclectic community where artists, industry, and fans can freely experience and express the very best of Asian-Pacific popular culture.

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