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Poster: Michael Ronayne Date: Jan 5, 2014 12:28pm
Forum: faqs Subject: FAQ On “id_” Wayback Toolbar Removal

An older version of FAQ documented the use of the “id_” flag to remove the Wayback Toolbar from the viewed archived page.

“How can I view a page without the Wayback code in it?”

In the current version of FAQ the “id_” flag is not discussed.

I am also finding that “id_” flag doesn’t work correctly in all cases when it is used. In the case of the FAQ URL example, the following URL with “id_” is garbled:


If you open the URL without the “id_” flag and then click on “Close the Toolbar” in the upper right corner, the page is rendered correctly without the Wayback Toolbar.

I am documenting the Wayback rendering flags in Wikipedia:

I have two requests and a suggestion:

1. Update FAQ documentation for the “id_” and related flags.
2. Fix the “id_” flag so that it works consistently and correctly.
3. Has any thought been given to a URL shortener for just Archive.org URL’s with security controls?

As more legacy pages are no longer being supported, the “id_” flag is increasing in usefulness. With increasing frequency I find myself fixing broken links in Wikipedia, which is why an Archive.org URL shortener with security controls would also be very useful.