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A Michael Bay movie in Lego

Film writer Garry Maddox finds out how the worldwide hit The Lego Movie was made from Animal Logic chief executive Zareh Nalbandian and animation director Rob Coleman.

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Emmet is an ordinary Lego figure, a yellow plastic construction worker with a painted face, brown wig and round claws for hands. He is, you have to say, an unlikely hero for a worldwide hit movie.

But when the Danish toy company teamed with a Hollywood studio and a Sydney animation house, the cheerful everyman became the central figure in a blockbuster.

First, though, American directors Phil Lord and Christopher Miller (Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, 21 Jump Street) made Emmet audition for the role.

The LEGO Movie Stills

It all clicked: New technology added to the complex detail of scenes from The Lego Movie.

Or, more accurately, they wanted the Sydney company, Animal Logic, to create a clip of him auditioning to show it could create a movie that was not just about Lego characters and sets, but was made entirely from Lego pieces.

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