Netflix Add Three Original Series from

DreamWorks Animation and Netflix announced three new original series, set to debut in late 2014 on the Internet-streaming service: “King Julien,” “Puss in Boots” and “Veggie Tales in the House.”

In addition, the companies said a set of five new episodes from the first season of “Turbo FAST,” the series based on the movie about racing snails, will available on April 4. “Turbo FAST” launched with five episodes on Dec. 25 last year; Netflix didn’t add the full series at once, as is its practice, citing production constraints from the animation studio. All told, Netflix has ordered 26 eps of “Turbo FAST” (pictured, above). On Wednesday Netflix added DWA’s “Turbo” feature film for members the U.S. and Canada, to become available in Latin America later this spring.

DreamWorks Animation and Netflix announced their pact last summer, under which the studio is to develop more than 300 hours of exclusive programming based on DWA characters. The companies did not disclose a price tag but said it was Netflix’s biggest deal to date for original content.

“King Julien” will revolve around the popular lemur from DWA’s “Madagascar” franchise, while “Puss in Boots” is about the legendary swashbuckling cat from the studio’s “Shrek” films. “Veggie Tales in the House” series will provide “new recipes for faith-based values” from the anthropomorphic vegetables.

SEE ALSO: Netflix Breaks From Binge-Viewing Strategy With ‘Turbo Fast’ Series from DreamWorks Animation

“We could not be having more fun as we create this content for Netflix,” Margie Cohn, head of television at DreamWorks Animation, said in a statement. “Each show is so diverse and the platform gives us so many opportunities to play with our characters in new and surprising ways. Our goal is to keep the audience always wondering what we’ll come up with next.”

Cindy Holland, Netflix VP of original content, added that”DreamWorks Animation has an incredible knack for creating characters that kids around the world adore. We’re very excited to launch the new episodes of ‘Turbo FAST’ in the coming weeks, and the three new series by the end of the year.”

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