Funeral of former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon set for Monday

Funeral of former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon set for Monday

JERUSALEM -- A state ceremony in memory of former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon will be held Monday at the parliament building in Jerusalem,...

DOHA, Qatar — As the hot sun cut through the morning haze of the seemingly perpetual summer of this Persian Gulf city, commanders of Syria's...

JERUSALEM -- The death of former Israeli prime minister and military leader Ariel Sharon was met with emotional responses Saturday in Israel and the...


 A far from typical orchestra offers music for China's masses

A far from typical orchestra offers music for China's masses

The American Hollywood Film Orchestra, an ensemble definitely not from Hollywood that travels without instruments, rolls with the punches on its tours.

A Mexican version of Coachella gives new meaning to 'roots rock'

A Mexican version of Coachella gives new meaning to 'roots rock'

Mexican rock bands sing in Tzotzil, Zoque and other disappearing languages of native pueblos, part of an effort to save the ancient tongues.


Syrian rebel infighting has claimed nearly 500 lives, activists say

Syrian rebel infighting has claimed nearly 500 lives, activists say

BEIRUT -- Days of fighting between rival rebel factions in Syria's contested northern and central regions have killed nearly 500 people, according...


White House suggests Iran sanctions bill could draw U.S. into war

White House suggests Iran sanctions bill could draw U.S. into war

WASHINGTON -- The White House launched a harsh attack on supporters of a Senate bill to impose fresh sanctions on Iran, suggesting that they...

Between Kerry's visits, Israel announces more settlement construction

Between Kerry's visits, Israel announces more settlement construction

JERUSALEM -- Israel announced plans Friday to build an additional 1,400 housing units in West Bank settlements and eastern Jerusalem,...

Defying U.S. concern, Afghan government to free 72 terrorism suspects

Defying U.S. concern, Afghan government to free 72 terrorism suspects

Afghan President Hamid Karzai and his top justice officials on Thursday ordered the release of 72 imprisoned terrorism suspects for lack...

U.S. response muted to Al Qaeda affiliate's gains in Syria and Iraq

U.S. response muted to Al Qaeda affiliate's gains in Syria and Iraq

WASHINGTON – Americans were agreed after the Sept. 11, 2001,  terrorist attacks that allowing extremist groups like Al Qaeda to...

Syria car bomb kills 18 near school

Syria car bomb kills 18 near school

BEIRUT — A car bomb detonated Thursday near a school in the central Syrian province of Hama, killing 18 people, according to the...

Protesters break up Palestinian-Israeli peace gathering in Ramallah

Protesters break up Palestinian-Israeli peace gathering in Ramallah

JERUSALEM -- Palestinian protesters disrupted a citizens peace conference in Ramallah on Thursday,...

Tunisian government steps down ahead of elections and amid protests

Tunisian government steps down ahead of elections and amid protests

CAIRO -- Tunisia’s Islamist prime minister stepped down Thursday, upholding a pledge aimed at breaking a political stalemate and...

Al Jazeera says Egypt has extended detention of 3 of its journalists

Al Jazeera says Egypt has extended detention of 3 of its journalists

CAIRO -- Qatar-based broadcaster Al Jazeera said Thursday that three of its journalists, detained by Egyptian authorities on Dec. 29, had...

Car bomb in central Syria kills up to 18

Car bomb in central Syria kills up to 18

BEIRUT -- A car bomb detonated Thursday near a school in the the central Syrian province of Hama, killing as many as 18 people, according to...

Syrian rebels seize Aleppo headquarters of Al Qaeda-linked group

Syrian rebels seize Aleppo headquarters of Al Qaeda-linked group

BEIRUT -- Rebels in Syria seized the headquarters of an Al Qaeda-affiliated group in the city of Aleppo on Wednesday, one day after attempts...

Egyptian authorities postpone Morsi trial

Egyptian authorities postpone Morsi trial

CAIRO -- Egyptian authorities on Wednesday abruptly called off a court appearance by deposed president Mohamed Morsi, saying bad weather...

First shipment of chemical weapons material leaves Syria

First shipment of chemical weapons material leaves Syria

BEIRUT — The initial consignment of Syria's most toxic chemical weapons material was shipped out of the country Tuesday, international...

Turkish government sacks 350 police carrying out corruption probe

Turkish government sacks 350 police carrying out corruption probe

A power struggle between Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and an exiled Muslim cleric sharpened Tuesday with the government...

First batch of Syrian chemical weapons material leaves the country

First batch of Syrian chemical weapons material leaves the country

BEIRUT -- The first batch of Syrian chemical weapons material has left the country, according to international officials overseeing the...

Extremist Syrian rebel group accused of mass-executing prisoners

Extremist Syrian rebel group accused of mass-executing prisoners

BEIRUT -- An extremist rebel faction operating in Syria is reported to have killed an unknown number of prisoners it abducted near the...

Syria rebels fight Al Qaeda ally for control of key city

Syria rebels fight Al Qaeda ally for control of key city

BEIRUT — Syrian rebel groups battled one another Monday for control of a provincial capital, part of a vicious round of score settling...

Maliki calls on Iraqis to expel Al Qaeda from Anbar or face attack

Maliki calls on Iraqis to expel Al Qaeda from Anbar or face attack

Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Maliki urged the residents of Fallouja to expel Al Qaeda-aligned militants who seized the city last week or...

Africans seeking asylum in Israel call for international pressure

Africans seeking asylum in Israel call for international pressure

JERUSALEM -- For a second day running, African immigrants in Israel took to the streets of Tel Aviv to protest government policy and...

Syrian rebel infighting spreads to stronghold in east

Syrian rebel infighting spreads to stronghold in east

BEIRUT -- Fighting between rival opposition groups in northern Syria has spread to a rebel stronghold in the eastern part of the country,...

Relatively moderate Syrian rebels gain against Islamic extremists

Relatively moderate Syrian rebels gain against Islamic extremists

AMMAN, Jordan — Infighting among Islamist antigovernment groups in northern Syria continued for a third day Sunday, as more moderate...


Health leaders concerned by resistance to anti-malaria drugs

U.S. to fly African Union troops to Central African Republic

White House calls for Iran to release retired FBI agent

Funeral of former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon set for Monday

Suicide bomber hits police bus in Kabul, kills 2 officers

Death of former Israeli leader Ariel Sharon met with tears and cheers

Washington offers condolences on Ariel Sharon's passing

Ukraine opposition leader injured in clash with police

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