Primetime | Special Advertising Section

How to select a retirement community

How to select a retirement community

Older people know what to expect when buying or renting because they've already been through the process a number of times. But selecting a retirement community is a little different than finding an...

Holiday memories

Holiday memories

With the holiday season upon us, we contacted chefs at several area retirement communities to tell us about their favorite holiday memory and asked them to give us a holiday recipe to try. Not...

The 50+ working woman: Traversing the demo

The 50+ working woman: Traversing the demo

There are challenges in the workplace today facing women of any age, whether it's breaking through the glass ceiling or trying to juggle career and family. The 50+ woman, however, has some...

Gadgets for on the go

Gadgets for on the go

Getting ready to travel for the holidays? Here are some handy, fun and stylish items to take along with you. From a goofy voice on your Garmin, to a perfect tin to hold your tea, these will make...

Help for the big-hearted

Groups help guide giving where it's most effective

Ask the expert

Ask the expert

Primetime introduces a new feature: Ask the Expert. The experts are from the Chicago Senior Services Network, professionals in the senior health care and related services areas, who help clients by...

Primetime views

Primetime views

We asked residents of Lexington of Elmhurst Senior Residences and Victory Centre of Bartlett, a supportive living and senior apartment community, this question: 'What has surprised you most...

Continued conversation

Continued conversation

Technology helps those with speech loss adapt and communicate

Should you go gluten-free?

Should you go gluten-free?

We've all seen the words "gluten free" on food labels and menus more and more these days, denoting a food is free of gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley and rye. Why is this suddenly important,...



ABOUT THIS FEATURE: This section takes a comprehensive look at what is happening in the world of those over 50, focusing on the latest in housing options from independent to continuing care communities as well as health and lifestyle stories.

About special advertising sections

This story was produced by the Tribune Media Group's advertising department. The Chicago Tribune editorial staff did not produce this content. For questions, contact Lori Botterman of Tribune Media Group at [email protected]