Former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon was hailed as a hero by some Chicagoans after his death Saturday, while drawing harsh criticism from Muslim groups for his treatment of Palestinians and other Arabs.

The former military commander and soldier, who died at 85 after being incapacitated for several years after suffering a severe stroke in 2006, drew somber praise from some in Chicago's Jewish community who see his work as a military and political chief as bold and admirable.

"He was a leader that had a great deal of courage," said Steven Nasatir, president of the Jewish United Fund/Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago, on Saturday. "Right, wrong, good, bad … anyone who knew him knew that his decisions were always made as he saw them in the best interest of the people of Israel."

The Consulate General of Israel to the Midwest, based in Chicago, on Saturday credited Sharon with serving as defense minister at a time that brought about the destruction of what it called terrorist infrastructure in Lebanon, renewing diplomatic relations with African nations that had broken off ties with Israel and leading the way to a strategic cooperation agreement with the U.S. While some still hail his work in the 1982 Lebanon war, following an inquiry, Sharon was rebuked for the massacre of civilians in a refugee camp by Israel-backed Christian militias.

"He was committed to finding a way for a better future for Israel and the region," said Maya Karmely, a spokeswoman for the consulate.

Sharon's leadership was largely criticized by Chicago-area Muslim groups.

A statement issued Saturday by American Muslims for Palestine, a nonprofit based in Palos Hills, said Sharon died "without ever being brought to justice for the many international law violations and crimes against the Palestinian people for which he was responsible."

"He left a legacy of brutality and bloodshed in his wake," said Kristin Szremski, a spokeswoman for the group.

The Chicago-based Arab American Action Network said in a statement that "there are no tears being shed by Palestinians, Arabs or any people of conscience across the world," citing the leader's connection to the deaths of thousands of Palestinian refugees.

But none interviewed in the Chicago area denied his influence.

Though Sharon had been out of the public eye since his stroke, Nasatir, who said he met Sharon about a half-dozen times through his work with the Jewish United Fund, explained that because of Sharon's power and influence, the leader was never fully "out of mind."

He called Sharon one of the "extraordinary founding leaders of the state."

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