Staff columns

Barbara Brotman

Barbara Brotman

Some people don't bundle up — and they have their reasons  - January 6, 2014 - We are drawn to unravel the mysteries of the universe.

Steve Chapman

Steve Chapman

Christie's 'Bridgegate' underscores the perils of power  - January 12, 2014 - Chris Christie's bridge scandal reflects badly on him and on entrusting power to the government.

Jon Hilkevitch

Jon Hilkevitch

Smartphones the way to go, transit experts say  - January 6, 2014 - CTA bus and train riders still coming to grips with Ventra could be paying fares in the not-too-distant future using smartphones and other mobile devices, at least those that can "tap" to transfer information, the transit agency has told Getting Around.

Blair Kamin

Blair Kamin

Frank Lloyd Wright home to open balcony in March for tours - January 3, 2014 - The balcony above Frank Lloyd Wright's Oak Park studio will be included in public tours for the first time in 40 years, the Chicago-based non-profit group that operates Wright's Home and Studio will announce Friday.

John Kass

John Kass

Clean hitting put the Big Hurt in Hall of Fame  - January 12, 2014 - The house was quiet, the kids were out, and Betty and I were alone, like in the old days, watching the White Sox on TV.

Clarence Page

Clarence Page

Is the GOP waging 'war' against poverty or the poor?  - January 12, 2014 - Are the Republicans waging 'war' against poverty or the poor? Some of the ideas that Republican presidential hopefuls offer for a conservative "war on poverty" aren't bad, although too many sound like a war on the poor.

Mary Schmich

Mary Schmich

A few insights that escaped from the polar vortex  - January 10, 2014 - Now that the great polar vortex of 2014 has receded into legend and Chicago has returned to its normal wintry self — cold, slushy, mired in yellow snow — here are a few thoughts inspired by the recent weather.

Dawn Turner Trice

Dawn Turner Trice

Miracle on the Little Calumet  - January 6, 2014 - Before last summer, the property surrounding the former Skipper's Marina, at 134th Street and Vernon Avenue, was a dumping ground of boat carcasses, old tires and a nearly impenetrable thicket of weeds.

Eric Zorn

Eric Zorn

Minimum wage causes maximum headaches for GOP  - January 12, 2014 - Republican Illinois gubernatorial candidates have taken varying and unpopular positions on the minimum wage and if the issue remains big it will hurt them with voters.

Other columnists

Dennis Byrne

Dennis Byrne

The joy of Christmas music  - December 24, 2013 - Without music, tonight and tomorrow would be just another Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning.

Meghan Daum

Meghan Daum

Davion Only and the foster care conundrum  - October 25, 2013 - Born to a mother in prison, 15-year-old Davion Only has been in foster care all his life. Last month he walked into a church in St. Petersburg, Fla., and pleaded for a family of his own.

Jonah Goldberg

Jonah Goldberg

Escaping the rat maze of the welfare state - January 10, 2014 - This week marks the 50th anniversary of Lyndon Johnson's "War on Poverty," and as the joke goes, "Poverty won." Five decades after a blizzard of programs began descending on the American people, the poverty rate remains essentially unchanged.

Victor Davis Hanson

Victor Davis Hanson

Is China copying the old imperial Japan? - January 9, 2014 - In the 1920s, Japan began to translate its growing economic might -- after a prior 50-year crash course in Western capitalism and industrialization -- into formidable military power.

Arianna Huffington

Arianna Huffington

Helping Italians tell their own stories - September 27, 2013 - ROME -- Ciao from Rome, where I'm delighted to announce the launch of L'Huffington Post. I've always had a great fondness for the boot-shaped country and as a Greek, I feel a kinship with a fellow Mediterranean land where someone is always trying to get you to eat something and nothing starts on...

Charles Krauthammer

Charles Krauthammer

Stop the bailout — now  - January 6, 2014 - — First order of business for the returning Congress: The No Bailout for Insurance Companies Act of 2014.

Robert Koehler

Robert Koehler

Cosmetic surgery - January 9, 2014 - "In Iraq, al-Qaeda launched an offensive to take control of two cities, Fallujah and Ramadi, that U.S. troops sacrificed heavily to clear of terrorists between 2004 and 2008."

Kathleen Parker

Kathleen Parker

Make a girl laugh  - December 13, 2013 - — Make a woman laugh, Marilyn Monroe supposedly said, and you can make her do anything.

William Pfaff

William Pfaff

Isolationist instincts of Americans are sound ones - January 7, 2014 - The Washington Post and the International New York Times had the same front-page headlines today. Both had to do (as the Times put it) with the "Power Void" in the Mideast, deploring that America's decade of attempting to create a new order in the region now is blowing up in its face.

Leonard Pitts, Jr.

Leonard Pitts, Jr.

Life, death and small government - January 12, 2014 - Marlise Munoz was 33 when she died.

Bill Press

Bill Press

Et tu, Brute? Robert Gates stabs Obama in the back - January 9, 2014 - There are many things wrong with former Defense Secretary Robert Gates' new book, starting with the title. He calls it: "Duty." It should have been called: "Bobby, We Hardly Knew Ye."

Mary Sanchez

Mary Sanchez

In wake of scandal, Christie blames all but himself - January 10, 2014 - What kind of politician is Chris Christie?

Cal Thomas

Cal Thomas

Bye, Bye Phil Everly - January 9, 2014 - One mark of a good song is that it makes Billboard's top 10 list. An even greater indicator is its staying power; whether it is remembered decades after it was a hit. Perhaps the highest accolade is whether the artist influences other musicians. All of these standards were met by the singing duo...

Jules Witcover

Jules Witcover

In Christie's denial, shades of Tricky Dick - January 12, 2014 - WASHINGTON -- Not since Richard Nixon assured an audience of newspaper editors in 1973 that "I am not a crook" has a major political figure so conspicuously defended his character as New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie has done in declaring, "I am not a bully."

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