Exercise boost — keys to keeping with the program

Exercise boost — keys to keeping with the program

How are those new 2014 workouts going? Need a little inspiration boost? We talked to four prominent trainers and fitness personalities in hopes of...

With New Year's resolutions, it's best to think small

With New Year's resolutions, it's best to think small

In 2014, I am going to read "War and Peace," cut out added sugar and recommit to meditating at least 20 minutes every day.

Step by step, a way to health, happiness and friendship

Step by step, a way to health, happiness and friendship

I was having a period of bad health — quite a long period. I had a hip replacement, and another, and a hand surgery. Then a broken...

Bill Nye tests the benefits of swing dancing

Bill Nye tests the benefits of swing dancing

Bill Nye might rightly be called a swing-dancing fanatic. So he sounded none too pleased at having to leave the floor after a stint on...


Intermittent fasting, or IF, gains ground as a dieting tool

Intermittent fasting, or IF, gains ground as a dieting tool

It's a real heavyweight on the diet scene these days: intermittent fasting, a.k.a. IF (having ascended to heights where mere initials are...

Reality check for your fitness resolution from a reality show trainer

Reality check for your fitness resolution from a reality show trainer

If you're like many Americans, you made a resolution to lose weight and get in shape in 2014. And, if you're like many Americans, you'll...

Kellan Lutz works hard to get that Hercules 'pop'

Kellan Lutz works hard to get that Hercules 'pop'

The skinny guy doesn't get cast as Hercules. Conversely, you can't just go down to the Gold's Gym in Venice Beach and hire some muscle...

Single-leg pulse works lower body

Single-leg pulse works lower body

Looking for a new lower-body challenge? Try adding the single-leg pulse to your repertoire. This move will sculpt your backside, get your...

Dr. Hooman Melamed's tips for avoiding workout injuries

Dr. Hooman Melamed's tips for avoiding workout injuries

Those fitness resolutions will do you no good if they lead you to visit the likes of Hooman Melamed.

Guitarist Joe Satriani finds the right chord for fitness

Guitarist Joe Satriani finds the right chord for fitness

Your favorite guitar player wishes he could play like Joe Satriani. Those righteous riffs you hear when Metallica is on the radio?...

Footloose in Fryman Canyon

Footloose in Fryman Canyon

This Studio City walking area is popular with hikers, joggers, runners, dog owners and families. Go early to get a space in the parking...

Girlz Gone Riding club carves out a place for women in mountain biking

Girlz Gone Riding club carves out a place for women in mountain biking

In 2005, 41-year-old Wendy Engelberg needed something new in her life. Stressed out by a divorce, bored by her job as an auto parts store...

Drilling down on the necessity of dental X-rays

Drilling down on the necessity of dental X-rays

When my son and daughter were youngsters, once a year I'd have a disagreement with their pediatric dentist. He wanted to do routine annual...

Milk studies compound debate over what type to drink

Milk studies compound debate over what type to drink

Raw, pasteurized, organic, whole, skim. Choosing what sort of milk to drink grows ever more complicated, with several recent studies to...

Squat with lateral kick builds firmness

Squat with lateral kick builds firmness

If you're looking for a move that will get your butt "tight and right," this is it, says fitness expert Lacey Stone, who uses it on her...

Spa treatments that go beyond pampering

Spa treatments that go beyond pampering

Lush smells, comfy semi-dark rooms and a sense of self-indulgence make a spa treatment appealing. But here are three treatments that aim...

Wearable gadgets pump up workouts

Wearable gadgets pump up workouts

Back in the day, "Just do it" was the standard exercise mantra, a simple, silent pact between an individual and his or her motivation.

Hypnosis: You are getting sleepy ... and calm, and thin, and ...

Hypnosis: You are getting sleepy ... and calm, and thin, and ...

Ever wonder why some people, even under adverse circumstances, set goals and achieve them effortlessly? Some of them, undoubtedly, are hard-...

L.A. Walks: Cascades of the California Aqueduct

L.A. Walks: Cascades of the California Aqueduct

One hundred years ago, water that had traveled from Central California began cascading into the thirsty San Fernando Valley. Today, this...

 Lou Dobbs means business when it comes to keeping fit

Lou Dobbs means business when it comes to keeping fit

Fitness comes in all shapes, sizes and ages.

Lift off with the Crouch to Superman tubing exercise

Lift off with the Crouch to Superman tubing exercise

You'll feel like Superman after this press-and-pull exercise that works most of the major muscle groups in your body. Demonstrated here by...

 Savor Thanksgiving, but watch the carbs: 47 easy ways to scale back

Savor Thanksgiving, but watch the carbs: 47 easy ways to scale back

Thanksgiving is but one day. So just enjoy it (in moderation, of course). After all, it's what you eat the remaining 360-something days of...

Gluten-free Thanksgiving: Be alert ... but enjoy!

Gluten-free Thanksgiving: Be alert ... but enjoy!

Depending on who sits at your Thanksgiving table, you may already have figured out how to serve vegetarians or people allergic to nuts....

'Biggest Loser' resort weighs in on reality

'Biggest Loser' resort weighs in on reality

The contestants on "The Biggest Loser" are just that — players in a reality show game who are subjected to harsh workouts,...

Lagree Method studio in Marina del Rey puts athletes in a sweat

Lagree Method studio in Marina del Rey puts athletes in a sweat

They often arrived, especially at first, with a certain swagger. Two Lakers, a Boston Celtic and, once, an entire pro team from China...

Pilates evolves to work for every body

Pilates evolves to work for every body

At a conference at a Newport Beach hotel, more than 250 teachers from around the globe learned how to refine exercises, target particular...

Tiphany and Mia of 'Push Girls' stay fit with and without the wheelchair

Tiphany and Mia of 'Push Girls' stay fit with and without the wheelchair

The Sundance Channel's "Push Girls" follows five women who face down everyday challenges — and each uses a wheelchair. The women...

In Bronson Canyon, the tai chi energy has flowed for 45 years

In Bronson Canyon, the tai chi energy has flowed for 45 years

Forty people in a corner of Bronson Canyon Park one recent sunny Saturday progressed through a tai chi ritual of short form, long form and...

 A closer look at energy drinks with a natural kick

A closer look at energy drinks with a natural kick

Energy drinks — sugary, caffeinated beverages that are supposed to provide a quick pick-me-up — have been taking some hits...

Windmills are a great strengthening exercise

Windmills are a great strengthening exercise

Windmills are a great love-handle leveler, and when done with a kettle bell, they are especially powerful. Demonstrated here by David...

Tech advances to keep fit, from apps to straps

Tech advances to keep fit, from apps to straps

The era of scheduling an appointment and waiting for your doctor or physical therapist to explain your vital signs is coming to an end. "I...

New workout styles go from running to the runway

New workout styles go from running to the runway

We've watched workout wear go from baggy, ratty sweats and tees to clothes that can go all the way to dinner. Given the sport influences...

Col. Chris Hadfield talks about staying in shape while living in space

Col. Chris Hadfield talks about staying in shape while living in space

Col. Chris Hadfield, who until recently was commander of the International Space Station, has a workout regimen that is out of this world.


California panel approves first shellfish ranch in federal waters

To fix holes in infants' hearts, scientists make glue like worms

Decline of Earth's top carnivore species damages broader ecosystems

Elephant shark genome wins race for most 'slowly evolved' vertebrate

Lung cancer rates down, with a narrowing gender gap

Food firms say 6.4 trillion fewer calories sold in 2012 than in 2007

Toxin shows promise in killing off lurking HIV

Solar activity causes particle storm, delays rocket launch

FDA approves new diabetes medication

Scientists experiment with money laundering



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