No time like the present to fix the Sheriff's Dept.

No time like the present to fix the Sheriff's Dept.

The 10-month gap between Sheriff Lee Baca's departure at the end of this month and the swearing-in of his elected successor in December should be a...

California's fortunes have improved so dramatically in the last two years, it was hard for even Gov. Jerry "Era of Limits" Brown to sound dour about...

The announcement Thursday that the general manager of the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power will resign at the end of the month throws the...

The 1964 U.S. Surgeon General's report on smoking — the first official acknowledgment by the federal government that smoking kills — was...

EDITORIAL CARTOONS | David Horsey & Ted Rall

Fear and loathing and cycling in L.A.: Tales of a bike commuter

Fear and loathing and cycling in L.A.: Tales of a bike commuter

When Jennifer Klausner left a dinner party at the home of a longtime friend in leafy Brentwood Glen late one night, she said her goodbyes, pulled on a...


 How grim is L.A.'s future?

How grim is L.A.'s future?

A new report put together by a dozen of Los Angeles' most prominent business, labor and civic leaders offers a dire view of the city. L.A....

Liz Cheney's problem wasn't her famous name

Liz Cheney's problem wasn't her famous name

In one of the many news reports about Liz Cheney's decision to end her bid for the U.S. Senate, Gov. Matt Mead was quoted as saying, "Name...

Baca's gone but the problems remain

Baca's gone but the problems remain

After months of deepening federal investigations, damning news exposes and a scathing county commission report that decried his "failure...

 The Little Sisters of the Poor vs. Obamacare

The Little Sisters of the Poor vs. Obamacare

The Little Sisters of the Poor, an organization of Roman Catholic nuns that runs nursing homes around the country, is testing the...

 Is Mideast peace possible?

Is Mideast peace possible?

In its quest for an Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement, the United States has pursued essentially the same objective over several...

Blurring the line between life and death

Blurring the line between life and death

Brain death needs a new name, some doctors and bioethicists say. Perhaps it should be called "death via cessation of brain function." Then,...

Fixing the Fire Department

Fixing the Fire Department

Nearly two years ago, the brilliant facade of the Los Angeles Fire Department cracked. Long regarded as one of the nation's premier...

Stop coddling Egypt's military

Stop coddling Egypt's military

It's increasingly evident that the military rulers of Egypt are determined to intimidate and silence their political opponents, whether they...

The cross and the county seal

The cross and the county seal

Los Angeles County Supervisors Don Knabe and Michael D. Antonovich are beginning 2014 by reopening the contentious debate over whether there...

L.A. must act on construction within fault zones

L.A. must act on construction within fault zones

Living in Southern California means accepting that the ground below is riddled with earthquake fault lines. But it doesn't mean we should...

A solar array won't hurt the mood of Manzanar

A solar array won't hurt the mood of Manzanar

California is obligated to both its past and its future. And there is seldom a painless solution when the two obligations clash, as they...

The untouchable sheriff?

The untouchable sheriff?

There came a point during the 2012 hearings of the Los Angeles County Citizens' Commission on Jail Violence when the panel's lead counsel,...

Our 2014 resolutions for <em>other</em> people

Our 2014 resolutions for other people

As the New Year begins, hopeful signs abound that the U.S. economy is finally getting its mojo back. Employers are creating jobs at a faster...

More reasons to rein in the NSA

More reasons to rein in the NSA

When a presidential task force offered 46 recommendations for changes in the way the federal government conducts electronic surveillance,...


5 ways the elite media showed its colors this week

Supreme Court and Aereo: A Betamax ruling for the 21st century?

Give Chief Wahoo the Justine Sacco treatment: Fire the racist mascot

Utah's on-again, off-again gay marriages: This is no way to make laws

Don't be too quick to bet against DWP union boss Brian D'Arcy

What happened to Mindy Kaling's body? Why Elle shouldn't have cropped her cover photo

Which is the bigger scandal, 'Bridgegate' or the NSA?

Gov. Jerry Brown's budget tries to tame wild capital gains



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