Christian Brethren (Plymouth Brethren)

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Denominational Profile


The Christian or Open Brethren is one branch of the movement (popularly called the Plymouth Brethren) begun by John Nelson Darby in England in the 1820s. It has been more open to cooperation with believers in non-Brethren organizations.

Membership Data

Year Clergy Churches Members
1935 - 633 22,961
1936 - 664 25,806
1944 - - 25,000
1960 0 665 33,250
1971 0 740 37,500
1973 643 690 40,000
1975 340 750 70,000
1976 374 745 74,000
1978 380 800 74,000
1980 400 1,100 98,000
1982 500 1,100 98,000
1983 500 1,100 98,000
1984 500 1,150 98,000
1994 - 1,150 98,000
1997 500 1,150 100,000
2000 530 1,125 95,000
2002 530 1,165 85,050
2003 600 1,150 86,000
2005 600 1,150 86,000
2006 600 1,145 86,000

Data were taken from the National Council of Churches' Historic Archive CD and recent editions of the Yearbook of American and Canadian Churches. Denomination descriptions provided by Dr. J. Gordon Melton, Director, Institute for the Study of American Religion (ISAR). [More information on data sources]