Elim Fellowship

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Denominational Profile


The Fellowship is a Pentecostal Church founded by Reverend and Mrs. Ivan Q. Spencer in 1932 as the Elim Minister Fellowship. It took its present name in 1972.

Membership Data

Year Clergy Churches Members
1961 110 75 4,000
1964 120 75 4,000
1966 85 75 4,000
1967 140 64 3,000
1968 208 60 3,500
1970 236 60 3,500
1972 128 70 5,000
1973 128 70 5,000
1980 156 28 -
1981 167 30 -
1983 185 36 -
1990 272 177 20,000
1992 322 66 -
1995 357 170 21,038
1997 814 90 -
1998 790 98 -
1999 845 98 -
2000 850 98 -
2002 850 100 -

Data were taken from the National Council of Churches' Historic Archive CD and recent editions of the Yearbook of American and Canadian Churches. Denomination descriptions provided by Dr. J. Gordon Melton, Director, Institute for the Study of American Religion (ISAR). [More information on data sources]