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Janeane Garofalo Talks Actresses Who Don't Poop

Janeane Garofalo Talks Actresses Who Don't Poop

06. 4.2013
Everyone knows that the best conversations happen in the ladies' bathroom. So that's exactly where we shot our web series, Stallin' with...
WATCH: Animals vs. Household Appliances

WATCH: Animals vs. Household Appliances

Eva Hill  06. 3.2013
The animal kingdom doesn't have much to say about high-tech gadgets like washing machines and toasters. Or do they? Watch the video above...

Do It At Home, America! Ep. 71

In this episode of "Do It At Home, America!" we uncover the secret savings of keeping your toilet bowl clean with nothing but common household...
13 Awkward Graduation Moments

13 Awkward Graduation Moments

Oliver Noble  05.17.2013
The pressure of a graduation ceremony can be daunting even before you factor in the long, flowy robe that's just begging to make you trip...
Cats vs. Hairdryers

Cats vs. Hairdryers

Eva Hill  05.14.2013
We all love a good funny cat video and this one is particularly well-groomed. Seriously – these cats have great fur from their intense...

In This Economy, Better Make Your Penny Candy Work for You!

Why is it that store-bought penny candy never gives you the same high when you're reintroduced to it as an adult? Is it because corporations...
EXCLUSIVE: Al Madrigal Talks New Special, Crazy Hecklers & 'The Daily Show'

EXCLUSIVE: Al Madrigal Talks New Special, Crazy Hecklers & 'The Daily Show'

Katla McGlynn  04.26.2013
One reason that "The Daily Show" correspondent Al Madrigal first got into comedy was to compensate for firing about a thousand people at...

Make Your Own Restaurant Quality Choking Poster!

Whether you're choking on your Dollar-Menu McNuggets -- or your neighbor is gagging on what Michele Bachmann said on FOX News today --...
WATCH: Puppies vs. Stairs

WATCH: Puppies vs. Stairs

Sam Wilkes  04.22.2013
Many human adults have trouble with stairs, so it's understandable that a puppy's first time on the steps can result in some adorable slips...
It Happens...

It Happens...

Oliver Noble  04. 9.2013
If you think it’s funny to watch people fall down stairs, there are two things you should know. 1. You’re kind of a dick. 2. We made...
WATCH: 6 Sadistic April Fools' Pranks

WATCH: 6 Sadistic April Fools' Pranks

Oliver Noble  03.31.2013
Ah, April Fools Day. It’s the one day of the year when you can act like a total psychopath in the name of humor and no one can give you...
High Five!

High Five!

Eva Hill  03.28.2013
Cowabunga, dudes. You won't find any limp paws from these cool cats (and dogs). They've got the high-five down and even their owners are...
Forgetting The Punchline Has Never Been More Awkward

Forgetting The Punchline Has Never Been More Awkward

YouTube prankster LAHWF is back with more awkward comedy in the form of his latest prank where almost tells jokes to strangers. Watch...
WATCH: Puppies & Kittens vs. Mirrors

WATCH: Puppies & Kittens vs. Mirrors

Sam Wilkes  03.19.2013
The mirror test is an experiment used to determine whether animals can recognize their own reflections. It's also the main indicator of...