The Valleys Set To Return For Second Series!

Chidgey & Co will be back on our TV screens in Spring 2013...

10:28, Monday, 26 November 2012

We can now confirm that MTV's hit show The Valleys will be returning for a second series next year.

The show will begin casting immediately and will hit our TV screens in Spring 2013.
In case you missed it (where have you been?), series one followed the trials and tribulations of nine aspiring wannabes as they left the Welsh valleys to the bright lights of Cardiff to try to make careers for themselves.

From the naked ambitions of party girl and wannabe stylist Nicole  - who managed to get her kit off in just about every episode - to the fiery and tempestuous relationship of ladies’ man Chidgey and wild-eyed would-be glamour model Natalee, which earned the pair a one way ticket back to The Valleys.

Will they finally pull their acts together for series two to achieve their lifelong ambitions?

Liam, the self-proclaimed ‘only gay in the village’ received a motivational boost when he met his idol, Roger Sanchez and musical maestro Leeroy wowed the crowds at Glam nightclub when he performed a rapping showcase, both moving ever closer towards their dreams. 

Law student and would be glamour model Jenna refused to take modelling advice from The Valleys boss, AK, about cutting her hair but how will this affect her chances of cutting it in the real world?

Self-confessed diva and Beyonce look-a-like, Lateysha, ‘no way rose’ swilling Carley and kick-boxing hopeful Aron area also back to make their mark and land their dream jobs.
Series two will see the success-hungry clan once again based in Cardiff as they continue to pursue their dreams and ambitions beyond the Valleys and their hometowns.

But will everyone make the grade and have impressed the bosses enough to earn their place in the second series? Only time will tell!
Only one things for sure, that having risen the ranks themselves and proved their worth, the formidable force of Valleys bosses Jordan and AK, will be back to guide the young hopefuls through the rocky terrain.

Jordan said:“This is the opportunity of a lifetime, especially given how tough it is to get on the career ladder for kids at the moment. But it’s going to take a lot more than hunger alone to cut it in Cardiff where there are all kinds of distractions.

"Watch out as we’ll be upping the ante for series two and bringing in some new faces. It’s time to shape up or ship out!”
AK added: “To make it in the modelling world, you need so much more than just a pretty face. I’m looking for someone who’s passionate and dedicated, but above all they need to have the right attitude and be totally professional or no client will want to book them.

"They also need to trust in me and take on my advice – being feisty is fine, but those with a diva complex need not apply!”
MTV is recruiting for new cast members now. To qualify, you must be Welsh and currently live in The Valleys (South Wales), be aged between 18 – 26 years old and have bags of personality and ambition.

If you think you’ve got what it takes, find out more here!

The Valleys 2 will air Spring 2013 on MTV.

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