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  • October 06, 2012

    Romney camp reports $12M in online donations after strong debate performance

    Mitt Romney's strong debate performance Wednesday night has generated $ million in online contributions, his campaign said, as well as a surge in volunteers and bigger crowds at his events.


    Mitt Romney's strong debate performance Wednesday night has generated $12 million in online contributions, his campaign said, as well as a surge in volunteers and bigger crowds at his events.

  • October 06, 2012

    Candidate's 'World of Warcraft' hobby causing political problems

    Colleen Lachowicz is the Democratic candidate for State Senate District  in Maine. She also leads a time-consuming double life, according the Maine GOP, as a powerful orc in the online fantasy role-playing game World of Warcraft.The candidate's online hobby is now being used as a campaign weapon in the political realm.

    Maine Republican Party

    Colleen Lachowicz is the Democratic candidate for State Senate District 25 in Maine. She also leads a "time-consuming double life," according the Maine GOP, as a powerful orc in the online fantasy role-playing game World of Warcraft. The candidate's online hobby is now being used as a campaign weapon in the political realm. 

  • October 06, 2012

    Romney cites 'job crisis' despite employment gains

    Declaring that the nation is in a jobs crisis, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney is charging ahead with his economic arguments in spite of unemployment dropping to its lowest level since President Barack Obama took office.


    Declaring that the nation is in a "jobs crisis," Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney is charging ahead with his economic arguments in spite of unemployment dropping to its lowest level since President Barack Obama took office.

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    Do you approve or disapprove of the job Barack Obama is doing as president?