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Unpainting the Park

Workers remove paint from columns at a park in 04W.

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They're stripped bare now.

These 54 columns at the corner of Highland Avenue and Glen Iris Drive are getting a facelift. For the past few weeks, workers have used pressure washers to remove layers of paint as part of a conservation project.

You may have passed this space many times and not have noticed. But the columns are public art by Sol Lewitt, a leading artist in the minimalist movement.

According to a plaque in front of the sculptures, they echo the city's skyline that is visible on the site's western horizon.

Well, perhaps the skyline that was visible in 1999 when it was completed.

About this column: An occasional look at everyday life in East Atlanta Patch. Have a picture you'd like to submit? Send it to: [email protected]. Be sure to include details about who is in the photo and where it was taken. Related Topics: 54 columns and Sol Lewitt

Tyler Blazer

9:37 am on Thursday, September 20, 2012

Who painted them in the first place?

Painting aside- this gives an opportune moment to redefine this intersection with landscaping, etc for the Inman Park/ Old Fourth Ward areas that respects the public art - which currently doesn't do the installation justice.


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