Department Structure

Secretary Janet Napolitano

Janet Napolitano is the third Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security and is leading our nation's collective efforts to secure our country from the threats we face - from terrorism to natural disasters.

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Deputy Secretary: Jane Holl Lute
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Advisory Panels and Committees by Topic

Academic EngagementAcademic Engagement
We work to engage the academic community in our homeland security efforts…
Statue of Liberty with US FlagCounterterrorism
We leverage state and local government, first responder communities, the private sector, and academia expertise to protect America...
Person becoming a U.S. Citizen.Immigration
We help immigrants learn English, embrace the common core of American civic culture, and become fully American...
Eagle headDHS Employees
We support cooperative and productive labor-management relations...
First Responder on radioPreparedeness
We work across government and the private sector to prepare, respond, and recover from large-scale emergencies...

This page was last reviewed / modified on March 7, 2012.

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