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Tips & Advice

How to buy a car
You have selected the new car of your dreams, but what should you do next?
Ultimate new car finance guide
Bank loans, hire purchase or a personal contract plan? CarBuyer investigates.
Setting a budget
Working out monthly running costs is the most important thing you can do...
23 essential test drive tips
Don't get caught out - our guide will help you get the most from your test drive.
Price negotiation tricks
Buying new? We show you 11 great ways to make your money go further.
Skoda Citigo prices
Skoda announces prices for the new three and five-door Citigo city car.
New Hyundai i20 prices confirmed
The new Hyundai i20 offers a higher standard of specification and lower running costs.
Peugeot 208 prices announced
Peugeot has announced full prices and specifications for the new 208.
Mazda Car Insurance offer
All new Mazda buyers can now enjoy 50% off their car insurance premium.
CarBuyer Magbook magazine – the top 100 family cars
The CarBuyer Magbook magazine goes on sale today priced at £4.99.