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Heavy Metal 101

Information and description of the many genres and subgenres of heavy metal.

Essential Thrash Metal Albums

Everything in music is cyclical, with styles and genres moving in and out of vogue. Thrash metal began in the early '80s, but saw a strong resurgence in the late '00s. Fans of today's modern thrash bands may not have even been born when the first wave of thrash was happening. Here's are some recommended thrash metal albums from the earlier...

What Is Hair Metal?

Profile of hair metal, including history, musical style, pioneers and recommended albums.

What Is Grindcore?

Profile of the heavy metal subgenre grindcore, including musical and vocal style, history, genre pioneers and recommended albums.

Melodic Death Metal

History of melodic death metal and the Gothenburg sound, including genre pioneers and recommended albums.

What Is Power Metal?

Profile of the power metal genre, including history, pioneers and recommended albums.

What Is Metalcore?

Description of the metalcore genre.

What Is Doom Metal?

History and profile of doom metal, including recommended artists and albums.

What Is Progressive Metal?

A history and profile of the genre of progressive metal.

What Is Heavy Metal?

Description and history of heavy metal music, its genres and subgenres.

Heavy Metal Timeline

Timeline of heavy metal history and significant events.

History and Description of Black Metal

A history and description of black metal, including musical and vocal styles, pioneers of the genre, and recommended black metal artists.

What Is Death Metal?

Description and explanation of the heavy metal genre known as death metal, including pioneers and recommended bands.

What Is New Wave Of British Heavy Metal?

Description and explanation of the heavy metal genre known as the New Wave Of British Heavy Metal and the artists that popularized it including Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Def Leppard, Saxon, Diamond Head, Girlschool and more.

Thrash Metal History

Description and explanation of thrash metal or speed metal, including recommended artists like Metallica, Slayer, Anthrax and Megadeth.

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