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  • 2012 Rock Hall Inductees Announced

    The Beastie Boys, Guns N' Roses and the Red Hot Chili Peppers are among the artists who will be inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame next year. See the entire list of honorees.

  • Black Keys' 'El Camino': Track-by-Track

    The 11 tracks on "El Camino" are as catchy as anything climbing up the Rock Songs or Alternative Songs charts, and are probably more carefully crafted to sound that way. Read our track-by-track dissection of the Black Keys' seventh album.

  • Photos Of The Week

    Bieber chilled with Goofy and Mariah, Lenny Kravitz got pinned in France, and Pharrell hung out with the Hiltons. It all happened this week, and we've got the pictures to prove it.

  • Korn Gets Radical in Video Track-by-Track

    Korn breaks down their dubstep-inspired new album, "The Path of Totality" - and takes on the U.S. government - in our latest video track-by-track.

  • Thirty Seconds to Mars Live Q&A

    Jared, Shannon and Tomo of Thirty Seconds to Mars came to Billboard for a live chat with fans 12/5: the eve of their record-breaking concert in NYC. Watch it again now.

  • TMI w/ Gym Class Heroes: Watch Again

    Downtown Julie Brown was back for a new episode of our live video news show 'TMI: The Music Insider' last week, featuring a Gym Class Heroes interview, Grammy fashion, a look at this week's top 10 singles and more.

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