


A potato in the tailpipe will not, contray to popular belief, blow up the car.

Canada aims to match tougher U.S. tailpipe standards, Peter Kent says

Canada is aiming to match mandatory American automobile standards that would require...

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Pipeline debate moves to B.C. after Keystone nixed

Prime Minister Stephen Harper's vow to step up efforts to sell Canadian oil to Asia...

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Keystone XL

Grasslands activism helped shoot Keystone out of the saddle

In making their case for approval of the Keystone XL oilsands pipeline, Calgary-...

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Editor's Picks

Less waste

International Home and Housewares Show

How buying new translates into less waste

Nestled among the sleek coffee makers and colorful new blenders at a major housewares...

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Greenest Cities


Gallery: The World's 10 Greenest Cities

Cities are becoming increasingly important fronts in the fight against climate change...

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