Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The State of the Web

Mary Meeker Mary Meeker is one of the most respected voices on the evolving business of digital media. For nearly twenty years, Meeker was a research analyst and Managing Director for Morgan Stanley. Now a partner at Kleiner, Perkins, Caufield, and Byers—an investor in companies like Groupon, Spotify, and Zynga—her “state of the industry” presentations are always cause for pause.

Last week, Meeker presented a digital trend update at the Web 2.0 Summit in San Francisco.

Some of the highlights of her talk:
  • Tech leadership is emerging internationally. The top four tech companies (Apple, Google,, and Facebook) are American. China has a number of strong emerging tech companies including Baidu (with a market value of $46B this year) and Tencent ($41B market value).
  • 81% of users of Top Global Internet Properties are from outside the USA.

  • In three years, China added more Internet users than exist in the USA. The fastest growing digital consumer markets are China, India, Nigeria, Russia, and Iran.
  • There are more users of SOCIAL NETWORKS today (October, 2011) than there were Internet Users in December 2006. And, seven out of ten social networkers are on Facebook.
  • Mobile Internet’s growth inflection point started during a recession. So did AM Radio’s. Mobile 3G subscribers are growing fast—35% year over year.

  • The iPod and iPhone ramped up fast—but the iPad has accelerated faster than both combined. Android has been faster than the iPhone too.

  • Meeker pointed to ONLINE AUDIO as one of the next big booms in digital media—from device innovation (Bluetooth, Jambox, connected car audio) to sound recognition (Google Voice, Siti), and sound creation/sharing (sound cloud, spottily).
  • Global internet ad revenue is up from $55 million in 1995 to $73 billion in 2011. An average internet user was worth $9 of ad revenue in 1995. Now in 2011, the average internet user is worth $49 in ad revenue.

Interested in more? Download the rest of the presentation.

About the Writer

Display Daniel Anstandig is President and Co-Founder of Listener Driven Radio, a software company revolutionizing interactive radio programming. Future-minded and passionate about the the digital radio convergence, Anstandig develops content and sales strategies for digital media companies. Reach Daniel at [email protected] and by phone at 216-965-5440.


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Blair Giesen
Commented October 25, 2011 at 11:30AM:

Great article Daniel. I like what Mary says about ONLINE AUDIO as one of the next booms in digital media. This seems like a natural for radio. I hope radio can embrace audio as there own. let's radio take advantage of audio and let's their on air talent use their own great AUDIO voice to connect with the listeners.
