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Crowd Factory Named CRM Rising Star

Who Are We?

We empower marketers to quickly and easily add an amplifying social boost to every digital interaction and marketing campaign.  Automatically include a viral element to every marketing campaign and element of your website and acquire even more customers.  We also give you the visibility to track and optimize social activity all the way to conversion events. Social ROI made simple, finally.

What Do We Do?

Crowd Factory quantifies the value of social media by connecting social activity to conversion events. Launch and amplify campaigns, view social-action analytics, and optimize on the fly. Social ROI made simple, finally.Let the crowd amplify your message across social networks. With 10 minutes of work, empower brand advocates to spread the word by placing social marketing across every digital interaction to boost .

How We Do It

Our applications let the crowd amplify your message across social networks. With minutes of work, you can add a social boost to every campaign. Social commerce, engagement, and sharing apps – all in one place.
