Canadian File Sharing Lawsuits Moving Ahead, Videotron To Reveal Names

The Canadian recording industry is getting a boost in its fight to stop file sharing, as Videotron is ready to hand over the identities of people allegedly sharing large volumes of songs online. The lawyers for Videotron, an internet and cable service provider in Quebec, have no problem handing those names over, saying that it’s a regular procedure if a court order is issued.The Canadian Press reports Videotron has agreed with the music industry’s claim that putting songs into these networks is copyright infringement. They say it’s strange for other companies to fight the court order, since many of them own entertainment networks and are part of groups that are losing money due to free file sharing.This statement came after a hearing at the Federal Court Of Appeal about file swapping. Their decision could begin a sweep of lawsuits against anyone illegally sharing music online. Chief Justice John D. Richard and three other judges heard arguments from both sides about privacy and copyright laws. The case is now being reviewed and a decision should be made late this summer. The main issue to be determined is whether the Canadian Copyright Act is violated when people put songs up online.The Canadian Recording Industry Association’s lawyers say they need the names of 29 people who’ve been labeled as “large scale uploaders” to lay copyright infringement charges against them.Other internet providers in the case are fighting for the court order to hand over information about their customers. These providers are Shaw Communications, Rogers Cable Communications, Bell Canada, Telus Communications and Videotron. Videotron’s the only company not fighting to protect their customers. The others say there’s no way to prove whether the IP address belongs to the person doing the uploading. They also want to know how the industry found that these IP addresses belong to the users of the sharing networks, since most use online nicknames. A lawyer for Telus says that they want to be sure that the music industry peeps have proof.—Stephanie Joudrey
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