Autism Finds Its Voice

Autism Finds Its Voice

Four new friends sit around a table at an outdoor café in Helsinki, typing on handheld devices. Shyly, Tracy sends Henna a message asking if she might like to visit him. Avoiding eye contact, Henna types back that she will need to ask her mother. More

Jaipur: Book Capital of India

Jaipur, the capital of the desert state of Rajasthan, is one of the world’s most beautiful cities, with rich literary and cultural traditions of its own, as well as the most wonderfully benign late-January climate. More

Private Arts Patrons Set Up Public Museums

Private Arts Patrons Set Up Public Museums

In a sign of the expanding role that private wealth plays in public life, well-off collectors are inaugurating their own exhibition spaces—often in countries where contemporary-art scenes are growing and government support of the arts remains paltry. More

The Battle for 'American Idol'

The Battle for 'American Idol'

As the show begins its 10th season, an exclusive excerpt from "American Idol: The Untold Story" reveals the power struggle that pitted the almighty Simon Cowell against his longtime partner, Simon Fuller. More

Yoga Memoirs for the Soul

Yoga Memoirs for the Soul

More than 15 million Americans practice yoga. They do it in 100-degree rooms, they do it in swimming pools, they do it on bikes, they do it to reggae music and to Christian prayers. You can buy yoga mats at the grocery store and find instructions on your airplane seatback. More