Entertainers of the Year

Dec 6 2010 05:39 PM ET

Katy Perry joins Darren Criss and the Dalton Academy Warblers to sing 'Teenage Dream'

Darren-Criss-Katy-PerryImage Credit: Michael Buckner/Getty ImagesIn the off chance that “Teenage Dream” fatigue has not yet kicked in, last night at the Trevor Project Live benefit in Hollywood, Darren Criss and the Dalton Academy Warblers performed the mega-hit “Teenage Dream” with a very special surprise guest. About halfway through the performance, Katy Perry took the stage, sang some big vocal ad libs, and then joined the group for the rest of the song. Whether you think she added something to Darren and the Warblers’ performance or not, it was great to finally see Katy join Darren and perform the hit at such a special event rather than on a television show. Check out the (very blurry) video for yourself — Perry shows up around the 1:22 mark: 

I really like this video because I’m a person who never gets excited by Glee, and I finally found something that I love about the pop culture phenomenon. What do you think, PopWatchers? Are you sick of “Teenage Dream” and never want to hear another version of it again? Or are you as excited as I am that Katy Perry finally teamed up with the Warblers to perform the hit song?

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  • Amber

    The song was going great, until Katy came out. She can’t sing live well, and didn’t harmonize with Darren and the Warblers at all.

    • Donna

      I have to agree.

      • AK

        Honestly, she sounded better than that guy did. He seemed out of the breath the entire time he was singing. It was kind of painful.

      • Jill

        I agree, AK. I thought Darren Criss was great in Glee, but he didn’t sound nearly as strong in this live performance.

    • Steve

      Totally agree…don’t hate Katy but don’t have a clue why any record producer could think she can sing.

      • Dave

        They don’t care if she can sing or not. As long as she makes them money. It’s a sad truth.

      • ale

        emmmmmmmmm because she can u tool

    • Torquato

      Man, Kate totally ruined her own song

      • Amber

        Exactly. I find that kind of hilarious.

    • starkidgirl


    • Jason

      Only D-Bags sit around and complain about one of the biggest singers in the world who actually can sing and doesn’t lip sing. Like many others. Katy has an original distinctive voice. and although maybe not perfect live I think she sounds great. Thing is most people aren’t perfect! Katy’s a fun performer and has great songs. Whether or not some internet losers think she can sing or not seems inconsequential since she has avoided the sophmore curse, become one of the most successful artists in the world and even garnered a Grammy nomination for album of the year!

      • Brenda Barrett

        What about D-Bags who don’t know that it’s “lip synching,” not “lip singing.”

      • Larry David

        No Jason, only a D-bag would defend a faux-celebrity like Katy Perry. She is pre-fab from head to toe. This clip proves, as she also proved on Saturday Night Live, that she really cannot sing.

      • Larry David

        Only a D-bag would defend a faux celebrity like Katy Perry. She is totally pre-fab. She proved here and on Saturday Night Live that she cannot sing. She is the Jennifer Lopez of her generation.

      • wino

        oh, her voice is very distinctive, but not in a good way. (seriously, i wish people would take their meds before posting.)

    • Lucy

      I was a Gleek until this year. IMO, they are ruining the show with all the guest stars.

  • Jason

    I still love this song. I dont get where the Katy hate comes from. i think she’s cool.

    • Ramona

      I totally agree! Katy’s fabulous.

      • Michelle

        I agree that Perry can be out of tune at times, but she has her moments. She was pretty good on divas live and she wasn’t horrible here either. Her voice is too distinct for her to really harmonize. It would be like if Alanis tried to harmonize. No matter how much they pull their voice back, u can still hear their voices.

    • LesterBurnham

      Cool =/= vocally talented, though.

    • anya

      I agree. I don’t think she was terrible here. I’ve certainly seen her worse, as well as better.

    • Mark

      I agree. I love both versions and seeing them sing together was great. I wondered what KP thought about Glee doing her song and how huge it became a second time. I just wish there was an ITunes version of the live performance

  • Josh

    It other words, Katy runs the song…again.

    • lefty

      yes exactly…she runs the song.

  • Billy

    Love Darren and love his version of the song. I don’t think Katy added much with her vocals, but no doubt that her participation made this a special event and gave it and the Trevor Project a PR boost, and for that, she deserves praise.

    Oh, and seeing as how this video is now all over the web, in many cases alongside a Trevor Project link/info, I have to wonder why the organizers themselves didn’t think to record and provide decent performance videos to help promotion. Seems like a no brainer to me.

  • Mark Harris

    dear Lord, that perfomance couldn’t have been any GAYER if Elton John had shown up naked.

    • angel

      so you want to see elton john naked? interesting

  • kayla

    when you say “The Warblers” do you mean the Beelzebubs?

    • Maggie

      from listening to the video, it sounds like they’re using a backing track that just has the background singers and darren criss is singing live. I know at least one of the “Warblers” (Tally Leung) is a broadway guy but I don’t recognize any of the other guys. My best guess is that they might be lipsyching, which isn’t really a bad thing, because we already know it’s not their voices in the song anyway.

      • A

        I was actually wondering this – is it the Beelzebubs singing with the actors lip-syncing, or do they actually have any of the Warblers actors singing?

  • kelsey

    Anything that draws attention to Darren Criss is fine by me.

    • Hannah

      AGREED. :)

    • Sydney

      My thoughts exactly. :)

  • Franky

    He looks Jewy.

    • jeffeastwood15

      Mmm-hmm… Sephardic =^)

    • Rolo Tomasi

      He is actually Irish and Portuguese and extremely dreamy

      • Kat

        Not Portuguese, Filipino

      • Rolo Tomasi

        yes Kat good catch

    • Chappel

      Jewy? Isn’t that the name of the dwarf on Chelsea Lately?

    • Larry David

      Well if he is Jewish, then he is cut. And I love a cut man

  • Hannah

    I love how Darren just owns the stage! He’s fantastic:)
    Katy Perry…. eh.

  • Mr. Holloway

    “I’m a person who never gets excited by Glee…”

    Wha?! How’d you get a job at EW? Do your bosses know about this?!

  • lars

    Maybe it was the poor recording but both darren and katy seemed sloppy. The warblers (Beelzebubs, right?) sounded good though.

  • Julia

    Was this benefit taped by some network for our viewing pleasure? If not, why not?!

    • J

      I know! Especially with all the attention and celebrity participation the Trevor Project has getting the last couple months. And Idina Menzel and Taye Diggs and Neal Patrick Harris were there!

  • fl

    I’ve been sick of Teenage Dream since the song came out and I thought Glee’s version was atrocious. Then again, I think all their music this season has been awful compared to last season. Darren’s okay, but I wouldn’t cry if I never had to see him again on my TV.

  • Rolo Tomasi

    Katy Perry was meh, but Darren Criss is a dream

  • Jennifer

    God, Darren sings “Teenage Dream” so much better than Katy Perry. I want his version only.

    • salma

      daren’s version of teenage dream has just been my favourite song this year i just can’t get enough, and i’m not much of a katy perry fan

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