Dec 6 2010 08:00 AM ET

T.I. performs 'What You Know' on his VH1 Storytellers: Check out the EW exclusive here

On the heels of T.I.‘s No Mercy release, VH1 will air their latest edition of Storytellers–featuring the Atlanta rap star this Friday (Dec. 10) at 11 pm. Recorded months ago when Mercy was still entitled King Uncaged and T.I. was still a free man, the show mostly focuses on the stories behind his biggest hits as well as old cuts he’s hardly performed, rather than even a few songs from his new offering. In this EW exclusive clip, he explains what inspired his chart-topping 2006 single “What You Know.”  It was recorded while he was filming ATL,  his first movie and, well, I’ll let him explain it himself. Check out the clip after the jump.

Do you plan on buying No Mercy tomorrow and watching Storytellers this week? Let us know.

(Follow the Music Mix on Twitter: @EWMusicMix.)

Comments (16 total) Add your comment
  • Joyaliz

    He may have other issues, but the man can throw it down. Looking forward to the show.

  • outside agitator

    wow…that guy can barely pronounce the simplest words in the English language. and his “lyric” was barely kindergarten level. really, really bad. is he challenged?

    • Corelle Smith

      Man I don’t know what you are talking about. I can tell you don’t know hip hop. T.I. is one of the best lyricist out. You gotta to have him mixed up with someone else cause he speaks real clear. Stop hating when u don’t know what you are talking about. IT’S THE KING B@#TH!!!!

      • whatevs

        If this is how you type your response, I’m not surprised you think he speaks “real clear”.

      • u

        @ whatevs:

        Apart from “IT’S THE KING B@#TH!!!!”, what was wrong with Corelle’s response?

    • outside agitator

      I’ve already enough rap “songs” about hos, ni**** and b!tches to last a hundred lifetimes. that guy writes like a 10 year old in Detroit schoolyard…and appears to have trouble pronouncing words most two year olds can say. does he have a speech impediment?

  • Corelle Smith

    Yes, I’m going to buy “No Mercy” tomorrow. It’s gonna be the best CD of the year!!!! I’m also going to watch storytellers. IT’S THE KING B@#CH!!!! (T.I. voice)

  • lisa caffey

    I support T, and sure I’m purchasing his new cd, and watching story tellers

  • Foxib

    I have to agree with Corelle, T.I. is one of the most articulate artists out there. He’s very clever with his lyrics, so again you must not be familiar with his history in this genre of music known as hip-hop.

    • outside agitator

      I listened to the clip above and heard a guy unable to pronounce basic words intelligibly and the “song” he “performed” was practically worthless in musical and lyrical terms. that’s the clip EW chose to highlight and he came off like a 10 watt bulb. the history of hip-hop is irrelevant unless the standard for excellence in hip-hop is extremely low. (which it evidently is)

  • Maureen

    I could have sworn that he’s done a “Storytellers” before. Oh well, I will definitely be watching!! Love T.I.!

    • u

      Are you the same Maureen?

      • Maureen

        Haha! What do you mean?

      • Maureen

        And I just realized that I was mixing up “Storytellers” with “Behind the Music.” My bad! ;)

  • BangieB Yea,it’s me

    It’s real sad that ignorance is still in America today,but as usual you just wish it was you getting paid.So you have to find something wrong with the man himself.Hell I don’t care if he mumbles the Man can rap and sing and has more money than your momma ever made on all the corners of Vegas. Outside agitator.. It’s people like you that make White people look stupid.

    • outside agitator

      how do you know my race and why is that an issue? that’s great TI has a lot of money and I’m not surprised…pornography is a lucrative business. and TI’s worthless “song” about b!tches and hos is little better than verbal porn. if my posts above make me look stupid, what does a “song” with zero redeeming value filled with profanity make TI look like? or you for defending him? not too good. why don’t you quote some parts of his “song” and say specifically what you like about it? good luck.

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