Nov 3 2010 03:29 PM ET

Ke$ha's 'We R Who We R' debuts at No. 1 on 'Billboard' Hot 100

Categories: Charts, Ke$ha, New Stuff

KeshaIn a triumph for armchair grammarians and high school English teachers everywhere, Ke$ha has proceeded directly to the top of Billboard‘s Hot 100 with her latest LOL-speak single, “We R Who We R.”

The speedy ascent of the lead track from her upcoming Cannibal makes her the first female to debut at No. 1 since Britney’s “3″ took group-sex arithmetic to the top spot in 2009, and only the 17th artist in the chart’s overall history to achieve that feat.

Can she sustain it? And will Cannibal ultimately outperform Animal? Tell us what you think in the comments section below.

(Follow The Music Mix on Twitter: @EWMusicMix.)

More on the Music Mix:
Ke$ha talks to EW about upcoming album ‘Cannibal’: ‘It’s fun as s–!’
Ke$ha before the $: See the high school footage unearthed on YouTube

Comments (39 total) Add your comment
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  • Joe

    I think she’ll do well, though I wish she would diversify a bit from the party anthems. Is she capable of a slow track? I didn’t hear anything beyond the radio tracks, so I don’t know

    • Jay

      As a fan of the “party anthems” she puts out, I have to admit I doubt she’s got the chops to pull off a good ballet.

      • Dee Jones

        Oh hell no! She can`t do nothing with no ballad she better stick with what she does best and that`s dance-pop, I guess.

      • Sara

        Haters are wrong, AGAIN. Just listen to “Dancing With Tears In My Eyes”, “Animal”, and “Blind”. The first two are especially beautiful.

    • beb

      I think so – she has a song on Animal called (appropriately enough) “Hungover.” Sounds very much like Avril Lavigne.

  • Chichi

    Finally, someone with extreme talent wins at life!

    • True Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Blue


  • Bebe

    It’s nice to see drunks like Ke$ha and Charlie Sheen doing so well. And they say there’s no such thing as a functioning alcoholic!

    • That Guy

      Don’t trash Ke$ha and Charlie, they are national Icons that must be celebrated for their antics!

      • True Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Blue

        You two are cracking me up!

  • Bobby F

    How about a song without autotune? I don’t think she’d survive.

    • yournightmare

      i think we would not either. lol

    • Ronnie

      Neither would Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus, Rihanna, Britney Spears, et al.

    • EduardoEmilio

      Britney Spears? Britney WHO? ohh yeah, Britney… The Queen of the AutoTune ;)

  • John

    I liked her first album. Just take it for what it is, fun and danceable. You can’t take music so seriously all the time!

  • Mike

    Her music is catchy, but ultimately forgettable. I doubt any of these songs will have staying power.

    • Miro

      Recording companies nowadays dont mind if you have staying power. They mind about how many sales they can make.

  • Tommy

    Ke$ha has been under-appreciated for a year. Every single song on her first album is a monster party jam. I put it on when we played beer-pong and everyone was rocking. She’s more rock than the other pop stars and her songs tell a story and make you laugh. She has her pulse on real life – what people are actually doing. She’s the dark horse and she’ll be around longer than that Gaga flameout/sellout…

    • Maroon

      Of course you play her songs when playing beer pong. It’s all part of the Jersey Shore party style that’s so in with the kids these days. Who cares about actually having talent or a brain?! Am I right?!

      • Daniel

        F U moron!. we had a couple of classes in school and she was getting good enough grades for any average person. sure she didn’t graduate but atleast she was smart enough to drop out and start making more money than anyone with a doctorate ever would

    • Dee Jones

      Are you serious?

    • MAroon



    • Jose

      At least Gaga didn’t get her concerts cancelled because of poor ticket sales. Unlike cough*kesha*cough xD

  • Dee Jones

    She and some others who shall remain nameless are getting on my nerves. SHE IS GARBAGE AND HER MUSIC! No surprise really, most of pop music today is garbage!

    • D2

      She’s not trying to be fricken Bob Dylan!! Why does every song have to be a masterful achievement, its electropop-its trashy, its silly, its fun, take it for what it is!

      • Stan

        The problem with people like Kesha (and Britney before her) is that the expectation for quality continues to diminish and people of younger generations actually consider this to be credible music.

  • Ted

    The Republicans take over the House and Kesha debuts at number one. Our culture is truly at its nadir.

    • Rich

      The public gets what the public wants. And the public is easily distracted by loud shiny things with little substance…….

      • Dee Jones

        So True! Ridiculous!

  • Sublime00

    Mariah Carey was the first artist to debut at #1 with FANTASY (2nd only to MIchael Jackson) and also Mariah debuted a #1 with One Sweet Day and Honey! Respect.

  • MultiPass

    Ahhh, the girls got spunk!

  • littlemonsterdang

    all her music sounds the same…. too much auto-tuning

  • bridgette

    She has a couple slow songs on her animal album.

  • Sean

    She’s A W F U L

  • Brian

    i think Ke$ha will do amazingly in album sales with cannibal,,she is one female artist that just keeps breaking record after record in the music industry,,if she has supporters like me to follow her thru her carreer,,she will never get old,,,remember WE R WHO WE R

    • Brian Claudio

      I gotta say, even as a huge Kesha and an even bigger Britney fan I never thought they would have a #1 debut. But I’m ecstatic for both of them! I remember that when Britney’s ’3′ debuted at #1 it made my day for a whole month!This just goes to show that they have real power in this music industry. I mean, selling so many copies in one week is incredible! Great job for both of them! And yes, Ke$ha’s ‘Animal’ album absolutelty ROCKED! I hope the ‘Cannibal’ will be as great. Anuyway, I’ll buy it the first week it comes out! Ke$ha don’t let anyone stop you, you have the talent to be where you r! Ke$ha #1!!!

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