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Nov. 8-14: Kanye West Takes On 'Today' In Latest Feud

Posted Sat Nov 13, 2010 1:32pm PST by Billy Johnson, Jr. in That's Really Week week, we learned something about Kanye West. The defiant rapper who has made a name for himself staging interruptions at award shows and telethons can't take the heat.

When West taped an appearance on "Today" Tuesday, he was infuriated with the program producers who played clips of President George W. Bush and Taylor Swift as he discussed them.

In response, an annoyed West announced Thursday that he was canceling his "Today" performance scheduled for Nov. 26, the day after Thanksgiving, and week of the release of his anticipated album, "My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy."

"I'm not performing on the Today Show for obvious reasons," West wrote on his Twitter page. "I'm so happy the world got to see just a small piece of 'the set up'". later expressed his disdain for his treatment on the show and said he forgave them. "All positive energy ... all smiles," he wrote. "Much love to Matt and the whole Today Show. I accept ya'll future apology in advance LOL!"

While reacting to Bush's statement that West's post-Hurricane Katrina "George Bush doesn't care about black people" comment was the lowest moment of his presidency, "Today" ran interview footage of Bush, prompting West to complain.

"I didn't need you guys to play the tape in order to prompt my emotion to what I'm going to say," West said.

And the tense energy ensued when "Today" ran footage of West and Swift's MTV encounter during West's reflection on that moment.

"Yo, how am I supposed to talk if you're going to run the thing in the middle while I'm talking?" West said. "Please don't let that happen again. It's, like, ridiculous."

Before Thursday's broadcast, Lauer explained that the practice of running related footage was customary. "During an interview, when somebody references a place or an event, we run the tape. There was nothing inappropriate about it. We do it all the time," Lauer said.

Spokespeople for NBC had not responded at press time to Yahoo! Music's inquiries to confirm the cancellation of West's Nov. 26 performance. However, on Friday, West's record label confirmed the schedule change with the Associated Press.

West has already suffered losses from his actions this week. According to the New York Post, the damage-control media trainer West hired specifically to prepare West for the "Today" interview resigned after the debacle.

But perhaps the biggest impact will be on West's pocketbook. Pulling out of the "Today" Black Friday episode creates an incredible missed opportunity for West. Performing live on a network TV morning show during the week of the album's release would have exposed West to consumers outside his typical MTV demographic -- consumers who are eager to shop and spend money on the biggest retail sales day of the year.

Last month, Taylor Swift set a record for selling more than a million copies of her latest album, "Speak Now." Performing on "Today" on Nov. 26 could have helped West pass Swift's mark and even won him more public sympathy.

We have a feeling West and the "Today" team will make amends by Nov. 26. Neither West nor NBC would want to miss out on capturing such an engaged audience. The marketing is already done. We are setting our recorders now. other news this week, Oprah visited the Jackson estate to talk to Michael Jackson's parents and children. Rumors surfaced that pop singer Pink was pregnant. Gwyneth Paltrow sang live at the Country Music Awards, and Rihanna set another chart record.

But let's thank Kanye West for keeping it interesting. His "My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy" album will be out soon so we're sure there is plenty more sensationalistic news to come. See you next week.


1) Imma Let You Finish -- "Today" interrupts Kanye

2) Inside Edition -- Michael Jacksons children and parents appear on Oprah

3) Threes Company -- Rihanna scores third No. 1 hit this year

4) Mama Marmalade -- Is Pink pregnant?

5) She's A Little Bit Country -- Gwyneth Paltrow performs at CMAs


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1. jose -
Kayne is just an idiot! What else is there to say!

2. Edward -
So sorry Kanye, you brought it all on yourself. You're nothing short of a defined biggot by your actions, and your statements and you have lost every ounce of credibility you would ever have.

3. RC M -
Amen to that!

4. Peter -
The man is a total wuss. He cannot stand the thought that someone else will share the spotlight with him. A loser!

5. Mike -
Kanye West is a FIRST RATE PUNK. Karma baby - Karma
Didn't your Momma tell you - if you can't stand the HEAT get out of the KITCHEN. Everyone knows that Kanye West is one of the BIGGEST BABIES IN MUSIC TODAY

6. Yeppers Itsme -
Like we are going to sit on pins and needles til the 26th,,, I think not, maybe the boo hoo set that follows this idiot will, but not the main stream, record buying public, when a and I will put quote marks on this, """" gets to big for their britches,""""" it usually is disastrous.

7. Papa -
If I never see this self absorbed loser again I'll be happy and the world will be a better place if he just goes away.P.O.S.

8. IRIS -
kw = [profane]

9. Lawanda J -
Kanye is representative of alot of black men who were raised by their mothers without a daddy. They are a mamma's boy and don't know how to be a man.

10. Tamitrue -
Kanye is an not as important as he thinks..He is a jerk....He is so in love with himself..

11. TED -
Maybe NBC can get someone with real talent to replace west, say Taylor Swift!

12. Yahoo! Music User -
Kanye West is a PUNK with a capital P

13. ed -
who cares!!!!

14. J -
Really,, who seriously gives a crap about anything Kanye?

15. theendofallthingstocome -
who cares. stupid mfpos

16. Yahoo! Music User -
And just how many Kanye fans watch the Today show anyway?

17. Craig Bresley -
Kanye hates white people.

18. hunter2 -
Kenye is a racist idiot. He is so busy calling others racists, that he isn;t intellegent enough to see how he is revealing his own racism.. I hope Today passes on him, and gives another artist an oppertunity to promote their albums. I will not watch anything that moron appears on.

19. RGN -
Who cares about what he says.

20. Yahoo! Music User -'ve shown your ass again, Kanye! Get some CLASS and counciling, and by the way, grow up!!! You have a problem, and it has raised it's ugly head again! If you want some publicity, these actions are the negative things that can ruin you.... if that is where you want to go! WHATEVER!?!?!?
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