Keith Urban - Put You In A Song

39/2010 start
46/2010 end
03 charts
20 total wks
66 peak
01 wks on peak
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The song Put You In A Song by Keith Urban has been listed for 20 weeks in 3 different charts. Its first appearance was week 39/2010 in the US Airplay Top 100 and US Singles Top 100 and the last appearance was week 46/2010 in the Canada Singles Top 100 and US Singles Top 100. Its peak position was number 66, on the Canada Singles Top 100, it stayed there for 1 week. Its highest entry was number 66 in the Canada Singles Top 100. Below you'll find the exact numbers and statistics.

Song Performance:

Wks on
Wks on
Chart Trajectory Canada Singles Top 100 40/2010 66661746/2010
Chart Trajectory US Airplay Top 100 w 39/2010 97731745/2010
Chart Trajectory US Singles Top 100 39/2010 82791646/2010

Other songs by Keith Urban (23):

1Better Life
stats: reach: 36/2005 - 03/2006; peak pos: 44; weeks: 20
13Raining On Sunday
stats: reach: 11/2003 - 29/2003; peak pos: 38; weeks: 19
2Blue Sky (Emily West and Keith Urban)
stats: reach: 18/2010 - 18/2010; peak pos: 97; weeks: 1
14Start A Band (Brad Paisley and Keith Urban)
stats: reach: 41/2008 - 07/2009; peak pos: 41; weeks: 51
3Days Go By
stats: reach: 30/2004 - 49/2004; peak pos: 31; weeks: 20
15Stupid Boy
stats: reach: 51/2006 - 18/2007; peak pos: 43; weeks: 20
stats: reach: 42/2007 - 08/2008; peak pos: 64; weeks: 29
16Sweet Thing
stats: reach: 48/2008 - 17/2009; peak pos: 30; weeks: 57
5I Told You So
stats: reach: 21/2007 - 37/2007; peak pos: 48; weeks: 32
17Til Summer Comes Around Music Video
stats: reach: 51/2009 - 19/2010; peak pos: 44; weeks: 46
6I'm In
stats: reach: 14/2009 - 39/2010; peak pos: 38; weeks: 45
18Tonight I Wanna Cry
stats: reach: 52/2005 - 19/2006; peak pos: 36; weeks: 20
7Kiss A Girl
stats: reach: 13/2009 - 32/2009; peak pos: 16; weeks: 54
19Who Wouldn't Wanna Be Me
stats: reach: 33/2003 - 52/2003; peak pos: 30; weeks: 20
8Lean On Me (Sheryl Crow featuring Kid Rock and Keith Urban)
stats: reach: 04/2010 - 07/2010; peak pos: 11; weeks: 6
20Without You
stats: reach: 46/2010 - 46/2010; peak pos: 88; weeks: 1
9Long Hot Summer
stats: reach: 45/2010 - 45/2010; peak pos: 58; weeks: 1
21You Look Good In My Shirt
stats: reach: 27/2008 - 43/2008; peak pos: 36; weeks: 41
10Making Memories Of Us
stats: reach: 16/2005 - 35/2005; peak pos: 34; weeks: 20
22You'll Think Of Me
stats: reach: 07/2004 - 26/2004; peak pos: 24; weeks: 20
11Once In A Lifetime
stats: reach: 37/2006 - 09/2007; peak pos: 18; weeks: 21
23You're My Better Half
stats: reach: 49/2004 - 15/2005; peak pos: 33; weeks: 23
12Only You Can Love Me This Way
stats: reach: 15/2009 - 05/2010; peak pos: 34; weeks: 53

Albums by Keith Urban (6):

1Be Here Be Here
stats: reach: 40/2004 - 05/2007; peak pos: 3; weeks: 153
2Days Go By Days Go By
stats: reach: 21/2005 - 31/2005; peak pos: 7; weeks: 14
3Defying Gravity Defying Gravity
stats: reach: 16/2009 - 13/2010; peak pos: 1; weeks: 66
4Golden Road Golden Road
stats: reach: 17/2003 - 49/2004; peak pos: 25; weeks: 67
5Greatest Hits Greatest Hits
stats: reach: 48/2007 - 38/2008; peak pos: 7; weeks: 39
6Love, Pain & The Whole Crazy Thing Love, Pain & The Whole Crazy Thing
stats: reach: 46/2006 - 48/2007; peak pos: 2; weeks: 86