T.I. and Keri Hilson - Got Your Back

24/2010 start
44/2010 end
05 charts
49 total wks
32 peak
01 wks on peak

The song Got Your Back by T.I. and Keri Hilson has been listed for 49 weeks in 5 different charts. Its first appearance was week 24/2010 in the US Airplay Top 100, US Singles Top 100 and Canada Singles Top 100 and the last appearance was week 44/2010 in the US Singles Top 100. Its peak position was number 32, on the US Airplay Top 100, it stayed there for 1 week. Its highest entry was number 38 in the US Singles Top 100. Below you'll find the exact numbers and statistics.

Song Performance:

Wks on
Wks on
Chart Trajectory US Airplay Top 100 w 24/2010 903211942/2010
Chart Trajectory Ireland Singles Top 50 32/2010 43331233/2010
Chart Trajectory US Singles Top 100 24/2010 383822044/2010
Chart Trajectory UK Singles Top 75 33/2010 45451234/2010
Chart Trajectory Canada Singles Top 100 24/2010 48481635/2010

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T.I. and Keri Hilson - Got Your Back

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TI - Got Your Back ft. Keri Hilson [Official Video]

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Other songs by T.I. and Keri Hilson (57):

124's (T.I.)
stats: reach: 31/2003 - 45/2003; peak pos: 78; weeks: 15
30Never Scared (Bonecrusher featuring Killer Mike and T.I.)
stats: reach: 14/2003 - 33/2003; peak pos: 26; weeks: 20
2Ain't I (Yung L.A. featuring Young Dro and T.I.)
stats: reach: 07/2009 - 25/2009; peak pos: 42; weeks: 34
31No Matter What (T.I.)
stats: reach: 21/2008 - 22/2008; peak pos: 66; weeks: 3
3Asap (T.I.)
stats: reach: 24/2005 - 31/2005; peak pos: 75; weeks: 8
32Number One (R. Kelly and Keri Hilson)
stats: reach: 34/2009 - 47/2009; peak pos: 58; weeks: 25
4Bet I Music Video (B.o.B featuring T.I. and Playboy Tre)
stats: reach: 18/2010 - 18/2010; peak pos: 72; weeks: 1
33Pac's Life (2pac featuring T.I. and Ashanti)
stats: reach: 50/2006 - 13/2007; peak pos: 9; weeks: 32
5Big Things Poppin' (do It) (T.I.)
stats: reach: 23/2007 - 41/2007; peak pos: 8; weeks: 34
34Pretty Girl Rock Music Video (Keri Hilson)
stats: reach: 46/2010 - 03/2011; peak pos: 11; weeks: 21
6Bring Em Out (T.I.)
stats: reach: 48/2004 - 15/2005; peak pos: 9; weeks: 22
35Ready For Whatever (T.I.)
stats: reach: 41/2008 - 41/2008; peak pos: 57; weeks: 2
7Castle Walls (T.I. and Christina Aguilera)
stats: reach: 51/2010 - 02/2011; peak pos: 51; weeks: 3
36Remember Me (T.I. and Mary J. Blige)
stats: reach: 33/2009 - 37/2009; peak pos: 19; weeks: 9
8Day Dreaming (Drama featuring Akon, Snoop Dogg and T.I.)
stats: reach: 15/2009 - 26/2009; peak pos: 33; weeks: 6
37Return The Favor Music Video (Keri Hilson and Timbaland)
stats: reach: 15/2009 - 30/2009; peak pos: 19; weeks: 33
9Dead And Gone (T.I. and Justin Timberlake)
stats: reach: 42/2008 - 42/2009; peak pos: 2; weeks: 278
38Rubber Band Man (T.I.)
stats: reach: 02/2004 - 21/2004; peak pos: 30; weeks: 20
10Energy Music Video (Keri Hilson)
stats: reach: 33/2008 - 42/2009; peak pos: 2; weeks: 35
39Scream Music Video (Timbaland featuring Keri Hilson and Nicole Scherzinger)
stats: reach: 02/2008 - 25/2008; peak pos: 2; weeks: 184
11Everything, Everyday, Everywhere (Fabolous and Keri Hilson)
stats: reach: 45/2009 - 03/2010; peak pos: 33; weeks: 8
40Shoulder Lean (Young Dro and T.I.)
stats: reach: 24/2006 - 43/2006; peak pos: 10; weeks: 21
12Fancy (Drake featuring T.I. and Swizz Beatz)
stats: reach: 26/2010 - 02/2011; peak pos: 25; weeks: 55
41Soldier (Destiny's Child featuring T.I. and Lil Wayne)
stats: reach: 48/2004 - 23/2005; peak pos: 3; weeks: 176
13Get Back Up (T.I. and Chris Brown)
stats: reach: 46/2010 - 46/2010; peak pos: 70; weeks: 1
42Superhuman (Chris Brown and Keri Hilson)
stats: reach: 33/2008 - 25/2009; peak pos: 7; weeks: 81
14Headsprung (Keri Hilson and Justin Timberlake)
stats: reach: 17/2008 - 23/2008; peak pos: 26; weeks: 7
43Swagga Like Us (Jay-Z featuring T.I., Kanye West and Lil Wayne)
stats: reach: 38/2008 - 09/2009; peak pos: 5; weeks: 49
15Hell Of A Life (T.I.)
stats: reach: 43/2009 - 44/2009; peak pos: 43; weeks: 3
44Swing Ya Rag (T.I. and Swizz Beatz)
stats: reach: 37/2008 - 38/2008; peak pos: 62; weeks: 2
16Hello Good Morning Music Video (Diddy - Dirty Money and T.I.)
stats: reach: 15/2010 - 34/2010; peak pos: 22; weeks: 45
45That's All She Wrote (T.I. and Eminem)
stats: reach: 51/2010 - 03/2011; peak pos: 18; weeks: 8
17Hey Now (mean Muggin) (Xzibit and Keri Hilson)
stats: reach: 49/2004 - 13/2005; peak pos: 9; weeks: 55
46The Way I Are Music Video (Timbaland and Keri Hilson)
stats: reach: 22/2007 - 31/2008; peak pos: 1; weeks: 594
18I Like Music Video (Keri Hilson)
stats: reach: 51/2009 - 03/2011; peak pos: 1; weeks: 145
47Top Back (T.I.)
stats: reach: 51/2006 - 18/2007; peak pos: 29; weeks: 20
19I'm A King (P$c featuring T.I. and Lil Scrappy)
stats: reach: 31/2005 - 45/2005; peak pos: 67; weeks: 11
48Turnin Me On Music Video (Keri Hilson and Lil Wayne)
stats: reach: 52/2008 - 24/2009; peak pos: 15; weeks: 58
20I'm Back (T.I.)
stats: reach: 13/2010 - 27/2010; peak pos: 44; weeks: 28
49U Don't Know Me (T.I.)
stats: reach: 03/2005 - 22/2005; peak pos: 23; weeks: 20
21Just Like Me (Jamie Foxx and T.I.)
stats: reach: 47/2008 - 17/2009; peak pos: 12; weeks: 36
50We Takin' Over (Dj Khaled featuring Rick Ross, Baby, T.I., Akon, Fat Joe and Lil' Wayne)
stats: reach: 15/2007 - 31/2007; peak pos: 28; weeks: 20
22Knock You Down Music Video (Keri Hilson featuring Kanye West and Ne-Yo)
stats: reach: 15/2009 - 52/2009; peak pos: 1; weeks: 258
51What Up, What's Haapnin' (T.I.)
stats: reach: 38/2008 - 38/2008; peak pos: 84; weeks: 1
23Let's Get Away (T.I.)
stats: reach: 28/2004 - 45/2004; peak pos: 35; weeks: 18
52What You Know (T.I.)
stats: reach: 11/2006 - 30/2006; peak pos: 3; weeks: 28
24Liv Tonight (Nelly and Keri Hilson)
stats: reach: 47/2010 - 49/2010; peak pos: 39; weeks: 5
53Whatever You Like (T.I.)
stats: reach: 34/2008 - 24/2009; peak pos: 1; weeks: 184
25Live Your Life (T.I. and Rihanna)
stats: reach: 40/2008 - 21/2009; peak pos: 1; weeks: 365
54Why You Wanna (T.I.)
stats: reach: 17/2006 - 36/2006; peak pos: 17; weeks: 41
26Make Up Bag (The-dream and T.I.)
stats: reach: 28/2010 - 30/2010; peak pos: 90; weeks: 3
55Winner (Jamie Foxx featuring Justin Timberlake and T.I.)
stats: reach: 15/2010 - 26/2010; peak pos: 23; weeks: 37
27Medicine (Plies and Keri Hilson)
stats: reach: 02/2010 - 04/2010; peak pos: 98; weeks: 3
56Yeah Ya Know (takers) Music Video (T.I.)
stats: reach: 24/2010 - 25/2010; peak pos: 44; weeks: 3
28Million Dollar Girl (Trina featuring Diddy and Keri Hilson)
stats: reach: 11/2010 - 21/2010; peak pos: 32; weeks: 6
57You Know What It Is (T.I. and Wyclef Jean)
stats: reach: 29/2007 - 46/2007; peak pos: 34; weeks: 18
29My Love (Justin Timberlake featuring T.I. and Timbaland)
stats: reach: 38/2006 - 29/2007; peak pos: 1; weeks: 310

Albums by T.I. and Keri Hilson (9):

125 To Life 25 To Life (T.I. and P$c)
stats: reach: 40/2005 - 42/2005; peak pos: 10; weeks: 4
2In A Perfect World... In A Perfect World... (Keri Hilson)
stats: reach: 15/2009 - 21/2010; peak pos: 4; weeks: 75
3King King (T.I.)
stats: reach: 15/2006 - 39/2006; peak pos: 1; weeks: 46
4No Boys Allowed No Boys Allowed (Keri Hilson)
stats: reach: 01/2011 - 03/2011; peak pos: 11; weeks: 4
5No Mercy No Mercy (T.I.)
stats: reach: 50/2010 - 03/2011; peak pos: 4; weeks: 8
6Paper Trail Paper Trail (T.I.)
stats: reach: 40/2008 - 28/2009; peak pos: 1; weeks: 171
7T.I. vs T.I.P. T.I. vs T.I.P. (T.I.)
stats: reach: 27/2007 - 49/2007; peak pos: 1; weeks: 36
8Trap Muzik (T.I.)
stats: reach: 36/2003 - 20/2004; peak pos: 4; weeks: 24
9Urban Legend Urban Legend (T.I.)
stats: reach: 51/2004 - 24/2005; peak pos: 7; weeks: 28