TechRepublic : A ZDNet Tech Community

Five tips for working efficiently in the Access Navigation Pane
Access 2007 and 2010 replaced the familiar Database window with the Navigation Pane -- a huge adjustment for users and developers alike. Susan Harkins details some practical ways to put its features to work. by Susan Harkins
Tags: Databases, LockNavigationPane Method, Jody Gilbert, Pane, Microsoft Access, Storage, Hardware, Susan Harkins, Group, Office Suites
Quickly print multiple Word articles
If printing is your only task, don't open Word files one by one when you can print multiple documents from Windows Explorer. by Susan Harkins
Tags: Susan Harkins, Microsoft Word, Word Processors, Software, Office Suites, Microsoft Office, Document
Your options for running Apache on Mac OS X
For a quick and easy development platform on Mac OS X, Vincent Danen recommends two packages that extend what Apple provides. Learn more about MAMP and XAMPP for running Apache on OS X. by Vincent Danen
Tags: Apache Software Foundation, Operating Systems, MySQL, XAMPP, PHP, Software/Web Development, Web Development, Apple Mac OS X, Scripting Languages, Web
TechRepublic Questions of the Week - August 16, 2010
The questions highlighted in this Questions of the Week post address issues with Access list creation, RPC failure, backing up an iPod with iCloner, animation software, Outlook integration with Exchange 2010, and much more. by Sonja Thompson
Tags: TechRepublic Inc., Sonja Thompson
Five tips for becoming a successful IT manager
Even if you've always excelled in a technical role, you'll need to develop some different skills to succeed in a management position. Here are a few areas you may want to focus on. by Brien Posey
Tags: Management, Knowledge, Jody Gilbert, Brien Posey, Strategy, Information Technology, IT Manager
Purchasing decisions: Push the server envelope or hold out a bit?
In todayĆ¢€™s technology landscape, there are more options than ever on server equipment. IT pro Rick Vanover shares his thoughts on purchasing decisions based on the different models available right now. by Rick Vanover
Tags: Servers, Rick Vanover, Semiconductors, Components, Hardware, Processors
BlackBerry Torch 9800 review: Everything you need to know
BlackBerry's latest answer to the iPhone and Android challenge has arrived. See how the BlackBerry Torch 9800 measures up. by Jason Hiner
Tags: Jason Hiner, BlackBerry Torch, Smart Phone, BlackBerry 6, Device, RIM BlackBerry, Handhelds, BlackBerry Torch 9800, Hardware
When worlds collide: Mixing business and private lives
Do you mix your personal life with your professional life on a regular basis? Here are some instances where that can backfire. by Toni Bowers
Tags: Theory, Husband, Toni Bowers
Succession planning made simple
Recent news headlines have demonstrated the importance of succession planning, as marquee companies struggle to identify new leaders after the sudden departure of the old vanguard. But does it have to be hard? by Patrick Gray
Tags: Human Capital Management, Leadership, Workforce Management, Management, Human Resources, Patrick Gray, Succession Planning, Toni Bowers, Training And Development
The Netflix Linux Conjecture: How Netflix snubs the Linux comunity
Jack Wallen asks the powers that be at Netflix why they don't stream to Linux. If you are a true Linux fan, the answer will ruffle your feathers as much as it did Jacks. by Jack Wallen
Tags: Operating Systems, Jack Wallen, Software, Linux, Open Source, NetFlix Inc., UNIX
Flexibility pays off in most IT consulting jobs
Learn why it's important to be flexible --but not too flexible -- when you're working with clients. One IT consultant shares how he learned this lesson the hard way. by Brad Egeland
Tags: Outsourcing, Consulting, Brad Egeland, Job, It Operations, Consulting Engagement, Information Technology, Outsourcing & Subcontracting, Business Operations, Client
Get client references by following this basic rule
Brad Egeland says that your best bet for getting a client reference is to follow what he calls the IT consulting golden rule. by Brad Egeland
Tags: Consultant, Outsourcing, Consulting, Brad Egeland, It Operations, Information Technology, Outsourcing & Subcontracting, Business Operations, Client
A reading list for IT consultants
IT consultants Rick Freedman and Erik Eckel recommend books that cover how to establish your brand, acquire clients, migrate to agile project management, and more. by Mary Weilage
Tags: Consultant, Mary Weilage, Management, Outsourcing, Consulting, It Operations, Strategy, Information Technology, Outsourcing & Subcontracting, Business Operations
Poll: BlackBerry users, what are your future plans?
Are BlackBerry users sticking with the smartphone giant or looking to jump to one of the newer platforms? That's the topic of the latest TechRepublic poll. by Jason Hiner
Tags: Jason Hiner, Smart Phone, BlackBerry 6, RIM BlackBerry, Handhelds, Hardware
Quick keyboard shortcuts for the Access Navigation Pane
A few keyboard shortcuts for opening objects from the Access Navigation Pane. by Susan Harkins
Tags: Databases, Microsoft Access, Hardware, Keyboard Shortcut, Double-click, Peripherals, Susan Harkins, Keyboards, Office Suites, Software
Artists turn old computer hardware into beautiful, unique jewerly
Artists breathe new life into dead computer hardware with beautiful, unique jewelry made from circuit boards, wires, resistors, and more. by Bill Detwiler
Tags: Vintage, Bill Detwiler, Computer Hardware, Jewelry, Productivity, Computer, Betsy Berberian
Poll: Where is the money in mobile development?
Most developers making money with mobile development are writing in-house apps or working on projects that enhance a brand. Where do you see the money in mobile development? by Justin James
Tags: Mobile Development, Justin James, Developer, Mobile
Oracle vs. Google over Java: Android lawsuits may begin to pile up
Oracle's lawsuit against Google for Java patent infringement highlights how Android is going to become a big target in court. by Larry Dignan
Tags: Mobile Operating Systems, Google Android, Android, Oracle Corp., Programming Languages, Software Development, Java, Smart Phones, Software/Web Development, Google Inc.
Review: SolarWinds Orion Network Performance Monitor
Derek Schauland took the SolarWinds Orion NPM for a spin. The price is nothing to sneeze at, but it has robust features for a comprehensive view of your network environment. by Derek Schauland
Tags: Tool, SolarWinds, Networking, Environment, Network, Derek Schauland, Monitor, Performance Monitoring
10 Windows 7 power tweaks
This handy roundup offers Windows 7 tips on everything from disabling Snap to restoring the Quick Launch Bar to limiting the applications your users can run. by TechRepublic
Tags: Operating Systems, Jody Gilbert, Software, Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Windows 7, TechRepublic
Obama and the Democrats in Congress CAN NOT . . . . .
..... properly address the nation's financial woes, because growing government, extending unemployment benefits, increasing the deficit and debt burden on future generations, bailing out companies, increasing regulation on companies, nationalizing companies, increasing individual dependency on government, allowing - and even encouraging - illegal immigrants' abuse of government services, increasing taxes...
Tags: U.S. Congress, government, tax, Vertical industries, Barack Obama, complacency, Taxes, Somalia
Taliban advertisement
You have seen the kind of decisions judges make in that great democracy the USA. That is why we do not want democracy in Afghanistan.Oooooo-kay.Care to tell us what this is about?hahaTRthe decisionYesterday federal judge Vaughn Walker ruled that the people of a state could not by plebiscite (or regular...
Tags: Taliban, advertisement
harrassment by santeewelding
I am not sure what I have done to offend him, but I am constantly being harrassed with stupidity by member santeewelding. I ask innocent questions while trying to solve some issues that I have encountered on my tablet pc, and this person replies back with nasty comments. I have...
Tags: Tablets, Notebooks,;
"I" instead of "me"
The one that totally drives me up the wall is when someone uses "I" when the word "me" is called for. You'd never say "He gave it to I," but it seems like everywhere you turn people are saying "He gave it to him and I." People, you...
Tags: I-I-me-me
what a bunch of idiots
we have here.An I.T. Pro site, and the members think they are no-mind typical users.hello!!!!!WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE ALREADY!!!!!I.T. PROS are NOT TYPICAL USERS.dumbasses.andit was me what reported as spam, to save you dumbasses the effort of clicking the link from being pissed at my comment. :DMy only...
Tags: BSD, I.T. Pros, Linux, typical user, UNIX
I'm generally hard-nosed
When it comes to "illegals". Mainstream press accounts of their suffering only get to me part-way. Those accounts work their way around the first, original reason for the later suffering. Leftist, is what those accounts are. Until I get to one such as this:[i]Almost[/i] tempted to pat him on the...
Just a little Tuesday Fun...
Hopefully most of you can open this, if not I can change the format.Just a little Tuesday break :D [_]3Our Webwasher rates it "Private Homepages"I can't open makes people upset when I go "around" the filter...I'll have to wait until I get home. :(only fair dearwhen you were taking...
Tags: Tammy
What everyone's forgetting about Linux is....
Nothing runs on it! It's got hardly any programs that work on it yet. It can emulate Windows enough to fool some Windows progs to work on it, for sure. But it doesn't have anything much of its own. The whole argument's sitting in the early days of...
Tags: Operating systems, Linux, OPEN SOURCE, UNIX
New member alert.
Hi, I'm Dr. Vanostran from the clinic. I promise not to resurrect any zombie posts or try to get you to eat spam. I can promise that I will jaw about tech related things and non-tech related things. Oh, I won't promote my business, Vandelay Industries, either. :)run away!quick, before...
Tags: Food & Beverage, beverage, Santee, TR Water Cooler
From now on, young'uns
Know that you have lost the argument with me before you open your mouth: you're so smart how come you ain't rich? nt.That's worth something.It won't throw an extra slice of cheese on my cheeseburger though.Ain't?You and I share incomparable wealth in the understanding of how we tick.Exhibiting subclinical signs...
Tags: rim, compliment
Is it just me, or are the media . . . . . .
..... falling all over themselves covering and sensationalizing Chelsea Clinton's wedding much more than then they did Jenna Bush's wedding? It seems pretty obvious to me that they are.I hate it when the media play favorites. And it's SO obvious.I also hate it when the Republicans are tagged as the...
Tags: Clinton, Chelsea, Jenna Bush
Happy Anniversary to Me!
Happy 10th anniversary to myself, for rattling around here since this date in 2000.Happy decade!We should create Tshirts for you guysand girls who make it this far :PHappy Anniversary!!!I'll hit 10 this year as well on October 3rd.Happy 10th! NT.congrats!!!And I wish you many moreTCBGood idea, butmost of us who...
Tags: Happy Anniversary, Jaqui
Dragging myself into instant messaging.
We've had a internal IM system for about two years, deployed only within the IT department. I've never given it a serious shot, regarding it as little more than a time waster. I've decided to try to ignore this prejudice and give it as unbiased a try as...
Tags: Instant messaging, IM
How to deal with a persistent hacker
EDIT: Thanks for the suggestions. I'll just reformat my computer and use preventive measures against further hacking. I understand there are some who think I should take legal action but in our country, something like that requires money and tedious process. Besides, I am outnumbered by the attackers (yes, the...
Tags: monitoring, Cyberthreats, Viruses and worms, hacker, SECURITY, computer, PRODUCTIVITY, PC, Spyware, adware & malware, Hacking
Missive to Michael
I apologize getting back so late to you, Michael. I've been distracted. Since I did the edit, I got one of those telephone calls in the middle of the night. It was my sister, regarding our mother. She is dying. In another call today, my sister said that her next...
Tags: prayer, condolence, Doc, Santee
Two cockroaches have taken up residence inside my microwave. They bask all day in the light of the digital display, blocking my view of the numbers. They give me the finger when I tap on the glass for them to move over. It's, like, they're watching a movie, and I...
What are the credentials for your Physical Security white paper author
This is written in response to a featured article on TechRepublic today: Physical Security in Mission Critical Facilities My comments relate and question relates to it: Mag stripe cards have been unused in physical securirty for years. Ask us physical security people how we answer the questions...
Tags: TechRepublic Today, featured article, physical security, Mission-Critical Facilities
I'm not sure these forums are helping...
So I've read nearly everything, and yes, I've had my daily dose of comedy.Apple manufactures hardware and software. They make phones. They make stuff. Microsoft, is a software company. They make stuff designed sort of to be run on a variety of appliances (PC's, etc.). I'm actualy going to edit...
Tags: Desktops, S**t, phone
Word has reached me
That a TechRepublic A-Team has assembled on the tarmac for a flight to Yemen.They're going after this guy.Jason bears the gift of a sabotaged iPhone. PurpleSkys has a plate full of homemade cookies. If that doesn't work, Plan B has Boxfiddler with a chainsaw.Jaqui behind his shades, he refuses to...
Tags: Microsoft Word, Yemen, PurpleSkys, Xena, Jason, boatload, Gender and diversity
Happy Birthday, PurpleSkys! Just caught the Scoreboard for this week, and realised you hadn't had a Birthday thread posted, so I started one for you!Enjoy your TacoBell birthday lunch - and I hope Darryl is taking you out for dinner tonight, too!have a wonderful day, LeelovenhugsGG:DNot going out for...
Tags: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, steak, Taco Bell Corp.

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