Jan 13 2010 06:44 PM ET

'House' exclusive: Jennifer Morrison returns!

Categories: House, News

She’s baaaaaaaack!

Sources confirm to me exclusively that Jennifer Morrison is heading back to House later this season. The timing and context of her return are being kept under wraps (read: I know but it’s too spoilery to reveal), but a House insider says, “You will see Cameron again on House before the end of the season.”

Morrison recently joined the Broadway revival of The Miracle Worker. It’s possible the actress will squeeze in her House comeback before the play starts previews next month. It’s also possible she will use one of her dark days (typically Monday) to fly out to L.A. and work on the show.

But enough about the boring logistics, Cameron’s coming back (just as I said she might)! React away in the comments! And then re-watch my Jesse Spencer interview from Monday night and look for clues that he knew all along. If you can’t find any, look again, because they’re there.

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  • Carmen

    I think the intent has always been to bring her back.

    • Lynn

      It was. They’ve been saying as much. But people assumed because she was released from her contract (and then got a new job) that it was all a lie. Which is a silly assumption to make, it doesn’t make it impossible for a return, just difficult. And obviously they found a way for it to work.

      • Pat

        Seems to me more like Shore writing her in because people were accusing him of lying when he said she would be back.

        And she’s not back in any real sense. She’s there for a guest spot to wrap things up with Chase so the show can go on without her. She won’t be back on the show permanently again.

        Never trust David Shore.

      • Lucy

        I think they’re bringing her back for closure with Chase

      • foodiedatingsite

        I love, such a hot woman, foodiedatingsite

    • jimy

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      • Wilson

        Dammit, House, I won’t let you use my computer if you keep doing this.

      • Daniel

        ROFL at Wilson!

      • Warg


      • Zaphod


    • Lori

      I agree, us Cam fans just panicked at the prospect of her leaving! I adore Cameron definitely my favorite duckling! Now that they’ve rectified ‘my Cameron’ situation I suggest they now get rid of Lucas! Then all will be awesome again! Cameron with Chase and Cuddy with House!

      • Ariel

        She’s doing a cameo, that’s all. She’s not back

      • Jill

        She should be back. But Shore is willing to throw away the interesting and subtle show he created for his pets Thirteen and Foreman and the soap opera Huddy.

        As long as JM is only doing a guest appearance, she’s not back. And neither am I.

  • Pamela


  • adreanne

    Yeah! I miss Cameron, Great that she’s back. <3

  • Nancy

    You did not say she might you huge liar. All your recent posts have been about how unlikely it’s looking since her show and that she was taking pilot meetings. Aaand I assume the inside source was Lisa E as other people reported? Jesse Spencer also hinted at it VERY strongly.

  • Hmm

    People always seem to catch up at weddings and funerals… don’t they?

    • Giselle

      That was my first thought too. My second was a trial or legal transaction.

    • JJ

      I thought the same – and now I’m just afraid that there’s really a wedding coming up, because that could only mean Cuddy…ahhh

  • Ace

    Bah. Now they’re just toying with us poor, oft-neglected Hameron fans.

    • susana

      My thoughts exactly!

      • Ace

        Nice to know I’m not the only Hameron fan left, at least. =)

      • Sandra

        Another House/Cameron fan here :-) I know many of them, we’re obviously just more quiet than other factions in this fandom.

      • Emma

        Another Hameron fan here! But I agree, I think it’s just for a cameo/closure. I wish she were coming back for good – and I definitely think there are more of us closet hameron fans than most people think – I rarely contribute to these boards, I just like to see if Jen’s coming back!

    • Kate

      Still here too. (Kind of, at least.) Though, I must confess, I have a feeling this is only temporary. Maybe she’s coming back to tell Chase she’s pregnant, and they ride off into the sunset. Hmmm… More details would be great Michael! :)

    • Ariel

      Another House/Cameron shipper :D

  • Fallen

    Oh God. Cameron again? BUT WE JUST. GOT. RID OF HER.

    • elise.here

      I.KNOW.RIGHT? they’re just trying to mess with us. hopefully it will only be for one episode. i know… wishful thinking.

    • Oh no!

      Let’s hope she’ll be back only for one episode with just few seconds screen time. I don’t want her back!

      • tcn

        Same here.

      • Kas

        I can´t stand her so I hope she will return for a few seconds.

      • MrsTaub

        I hate that she is back. It was good for the show to get rid of JMo.

    • Pepper

      I knew I’d have to pay for Monday’s slash moments.

    • Nat

      I rather see stacy come back that cameron. and i agree, we did just get rid of her

      • Lillian

        no kidding. We finally manage to get rid of her and now they’re dumping Cameron back on us again. geez

      • Patty

        I don´t want her back. And I want 13 gone too. Camteen all the way but far away from PPTH

    • Ashley

      Thank you! I agree with this!

      I don’t want her back. If it’s one episode fine I can deal with that.

  • Ana

    It will be on episode 17, Hugh´s episode.

    • Jen

      Is this just speculation or you read it somewhere? Please, do tell. :)

  • joanna

    yes, thank you shore and jacobs!! i’ve missed her so much! hopefully it’ll be a chameron reunion or at least some good scenes of them because the way they left things was just not good enough! i love chameron, i’m so glad she’s finally coming back for sure!

    • Katheryn Mae

      Only question that I have is how exactly how is this going to affect Chameron. I surely hope it’s not in a negative way, but at the same time, I’m not sure if they’d want to redo the whole marriage over again. :/

      • tracy

        I do think there may be a divorce in the future for chase and cameron or something tragic is going to happen to our girl , if Miss Morrison is not coming back to the series permanently .

  • Katheryn Mae

    I’m so glad! Cameron has become my favorite character after watching the majority of season one and three (haven’t started two yet). I was sad for her exit and soon got over, knowing that Jen figured that she wanted off the show for a good reason. Now all I can say is that I hope they don’t muck up her return with something strange.

    • Cara

      Cameron was my favorite, too, and season 2 Cameron was high on my list. I can’t watch House without her, because there are too many other characters I can’t stand, but I’ll be sure to check this episode out!!

  • Lola

    I wondered why her name was still featured in the opening credits, last monday…

    • nick

      her name is still ine credits because their to lazy to change them, the credits never changed even when the new team was in the show 24/7 and cameron, chase, and cuddy had been left out for episodes at a time. they actually need to fix it

      • Josie

        Her name is still in the credits because she was still on contract and still getting paid.

  • Evie

    YES!! Does this mean that she and Chase will get back together?? -fingers crossed-

  • Karla

    For me it is fine if she comes back for a visit, I would like a better clousure for Chase and Cameron.

  • adreanne

    Yeah, I’ll like that Cameron comes back with Chase. I love Chameron the best couple of House lol!

    • joppa

      YeY so excited.. couldn’t agree more about Chameron… I love them… i’m really happy right now.. =)))

  • Lauzane

    OMG! OMG! I’m so happy. She’s back! I can’t bellieve! She’s back. YEEEAAAAH :)

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